(Before It's News)
End of the World? Excited or Dejected?
By: Eric Gajewski
As more and more people are beginning to put all of the pieces of this endtime puzzle together, they are beginning to see what I have been saying for the past year or so. We are in those times Our Lord warned about “shortly” before His Second Coming. We must preface this statement by saying that I am not suggesting the world will end in a few years or even the next decade however I do not believe it is as far off as most will suggest themselves. The mere fact that the Jews are preparing to rebuild the third temple for the eventual Antichrist gives us an indication of just how close we are. We are talking “years” before Maitreya arrives and not decades. Having said this should would be dejected upon seeing the Great Storm approach? The answer is no. One of the principles of being an eagle is to be excited for the Storm for it is only through our tribulations that we can grow in virtue and Selfless Love and ascend to “new heights” interiorly.
Prospects of the Second Coming. We have been told by the majority that “so many have gotten this wrong” so we ought not talk about it all. This is false. Even Our Lord said scoffers would come in these endtimes and use that excuse. Although it is true that we do not know the day or hour of His Second Coming we sure did know from Scripture and Tradition of “the season” in which He would return. Even Christ said that when you see these things than know I am not far off. But still many will argue that the Apostles and Saints even got this wrong which is true but that doesn’t mean at all that I am wrong? I believe at TradCatKnight I paint a very clear picture of the times we live in as all of the pieces are “coming together”. Those who would cringe at the notion of the Second Coming simply don’t want to be labeled in that “loonbin” category or quite frankly they are afraid of their own judgement.
The Wind of the Storm. Does the force of the Wind of the Storm keep you down or does it propel you to new heights. The thought that the Antichrist might be alive is ridiculed and to suggest that he is about to arrive onto the world scene is even more preposterous. This coming from those who are not skilled in this area of research or even are following the new religion of Vatican II altogether who are still labeling themselves “Catholic”. An eagle must keep his wings of Faith and Hope spread wide open and be ready to take that leap. Those birds, who live in fear, who simply, wait for the Storm to arrive, will be too late in opening their wings. Or worse yet will they simply fly away to the mountain altogether and run and hide in self love. Even the majority of the Apostles ran away from the Cross thus we must be ready in Faith to move forward. St. Therese the “little eagle” spoke about how great and exciting it would be to live during the time of the Antichrist…was she crazy? To the world, perhaps, but to those not tied down to self love/human respect there is freedom found in these skies above.
Tribulation Plan Gone Wrong? Yes we ought be prudently preparing for the times ahead but this does not mean becoming anxious about future events. You should stay focused on Jesus and Mary as your priority. Our Lord and Lady would not have told esteemed mystic Marie Julie Jahenny to forewarn the world of the various herbs needed to get through some of the tough times ahead if God did not want you to prep. Prepping is biblical date setting is not. The season we know… the exact day we do not. I just finished another endtimes book written by Cardinal Manning. In this book he covers the antichrist and the great apostasy and what holds back his arrival…..Readmore at link above.
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