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Celibate life under attack? No matter where you go there seems to be an attack on those who are truly trying to carry out this vocation (of being celibate). We know the FreeMasons work through the mainstream media and entertainment industry to constantly shove down our throats a lifestyle which is antichristian. Although, one could argue that being celibate could work well into the plans of those purporting “global depopulation” we should not give into this fear. I think many are missing out on Gods true call for their life. They are getting overly emotional for not having a partner WHEN they could have used this time more wisely spending it in prayer or performing works of mercy. BE HAPPY you are single. I know an awful lot of HIGHLY unhappy married couples (who are Catholics). Recently, in the news, there was a story a very old man, who was asked his secret to his longevity. I believe he lived to be something like 120 years old. His answer? That he was single and didn’t have to deal with a woman. Go ahead and laugh I know you want too. We know from Church teaching one can arise to perfection via the Sacrament of Marriage but are we saying we cannot strive for perfection being an “eunuch” for God? I now can fully focus in on Jesus without the worry of wife and kids and all of the worldly goings on attributed to such a vocation. Do not get mad at God you are single. Rather stay celibate and be thankful.
St. Jerome comments on Matthew 19:12. “This text is not to be taken in the literal sense; but means, that there are such, who have taken a firm and commendable resolution of leading a single and chaste life, in order to serve God in a more perfect state than those who marry: as St. Paul clearly shews.” 1 Cor. 7. 37, 38. Through your discerning process in these days leading up unto the arrival of the Antichrist and the Tribulation ahead are you truly still overly worried about dating? Why so? Maybe there will be a Catholic dating website for the tribulation period itself ( I do not know. Even Our Lord warned about the women in our times and how those pregnant would have it difficult. I look at a lot of my friends who are married with a lot of children and boy are they ever going to have to fly on the wings of Faith ahead. God will provide though. Be firm and resolute and do not look back. Whether you are male or female don’t fall into the trap of “free love”. The devil will try to tempt you saying “since God wont send you a life partner just find you a partner for the afternoon”. Ah, you want to know how I know that? That is real talk for you. The devil will try to lead you on the path of self and keep you there. There have been Hollywood endtime/apocalyptic movies which have suggested this. They will say “well since of the end of the world might as well try have sex with anyone I can”. Seriously? Godless Hollywood run by the Jews.