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TradCatKnight: The More We Love, The More We Are Crucified

Thursday, March 9, 2017 16:22
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The More We Love, The More We Are Crucified


The More We Love, The More We Are Crucified
Writing and Poem By:  Eric Gajewski
From the work, “Fortress of the Soul”
Yes, this is the great mystery we live by.  On the surface level it would seem to be, that, the more we love God, the “easier” life will get.  Fundamentally speaking this is true because the more we are detached from self love the less we care about our own will. Thus the more I rest in His Sacred Heart which houses the Divine Will the more free I am.  Thus, life becomes easier on that level(if you will). However, this does not seem to be the case for the beginner of the interior way.  It seems at first that the more I would approach Jesus the “harsher” life would get.  Why does it seem harsh?  Because the self is still active and alive.  This is only naturally let me provide you with an example.
Closer to the Son.  Suppose I say unto you that today you and I will journey to the sun itself.  As we approach the sun it is only logical to see how we will suffer more form the intense light and heat.  It is the same with God Who is an Unapproachable Light and All Consuming Fire.  He is brighter than 10,000 suns put together and thus in order for us to move clear we must heroically detach from all things.  We must have truly no will at all.  We must be willingly to appear as fools (as the early apostles) before the world.  Nay, it is true, I only suffered because of some want on my end.  When two wills are united, you are perfectly at rest and are perfectly happy no matter what you are going through. There were only a FEW brave at the foot of the Cross to demonstrate just how many Saints there are in the world in relation to those who flee from the Cross.  The more we love, the more we approach the Crucified Christ the more ourselves will become crucified.
What or whom do you love. If you have not already start to journal today.  Start writing and after a few weeks you will begin to see a pattern.  What do you love self or God?  Is it God has not done this or that?  Or is it full of thanksgiving for no matter what has transpired.  The things we love tell us who we are.  And if we love things more than Christ than are we truly ready to be WHOLLY crucified in so that Jesus can fully operate in us?  I am only truly alive when He is alive in me.  During this Lent may we all continue to examine and grow based upon our own faults and weaknesses.  In silence and solitude will this be accomplished.
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