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Mark 1:3 “A Voice Crying In The Desert”
A voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
By: Eric Gajewski

Christ is coming! Christ is coming! This was the message of St. John crying out from the desert. It was a voice which was heard due to his godly living. We all should have the same hope for people to embrace our message of accepting Christ and His doctrine. It is a Voice which cries out from the silence and solitude of the desert. For it is here in the desert that a soul accustoms itself to being quiet and attentively waiting upon the Voice of the Lord. Our Lord testifies to St. John’s holiness. It was a voice which was preparing the hearts of men but can there be any such voice today heard amongst all the modern noise? Modern man has so distracted himself that he cannot find the time necessary to wait upon the Lord. This is a big problem of course. Man seemingly will not turn to God unless there is first a “problem”. Rather than wait for that day why not listen to the voice of the one crying out in the desert exclaiming yet again the King is coming.

Second coming, the Eucharistic reign of Our Lord. We see in the Apocalypse, that, the Church, is taken out of sight of the world (Apoc. 12:14), for a short season (in the Great Tribulation). We will enter into the desert preparing our hearts for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart/Universal Reign of Christ. Soon churches will be shut down and during the Great Tribulation the Sacrifice shall seemingly cease altogether. We will be in one “giant lent”, if you will, for three and half years and it is most needed. We need to learn to better prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord in the Eucharist. How many of us take ample time to truly reflect upon this great mystery and gift. To contemplate all that God has given to us is something we need His grace for. He came giving only Himself and this is truly all we need but why don’t we act like this on a daily basis? Why are we so attached to “things” which have nothing to do with our relationship with God? It is for this reason that this “giant lent” experience is coming for the Church. Our hearts must match our voice. We must be crying out from within. We all need to do a better job in preparing our minds, hearts and bodies for the Lord. Where the Body shall be so there also the eagles be gathered.

Austere life coming? Who knows what the days ahead may hold. Perhaps, we too, will be eating bugs like St. John. It is anyone’s guess what the landscape will look like for food as the Apocalypse forewarns us of the great famine to come. Having said this, Christ is our Food. This is what every eagle awaits for, that is, to be truly fed spiritually. Eagles only eat upon those things alive. Thus, we eat of Christ Who is Love and Who is ALIVE forevermore. He is our Source. He is the One who will keep us fed in the great desert to come. We must keep our wings spread in faith and hope and harken to hear His Voice. Mortify your senses and get your passions under control now through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Start detaching your heart now and live modestly and simply.
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