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Chaos in Colorado: The NWO Is Making Their Move – Paul Martin and Dave Hodges

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 13:58
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Was this coming moment foretold on the mural at Denver International Airport near baggage pick-up?

Was this coming moment foretold on the mural at Denver International Airport near baggage pick-up?

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.


I interviewed Paul Martin and had quickly had my head spinning! The events going on in Colorado are happening elsewhere, but Colorado, at the moment is what we understand.

The globalist forces are positioning themselves from something big. In previous broadcasts, Paul has said that where you are, when the trouble hits, is where you will stay.  In Colorado, we are beginning to see the truth in that it strongly appears that the powers that be are in the process of cordoning off the Front Range in Colorado. This is part of the continuity of government program which supplants martial law.

I am receiving daily reports from Colorado residents who are notifying me of sighting of foreign troops and foreign troop convoys traveling along the Front Range I-25 corridor.

The entire story is on the video.


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Total 25 comments
  • IF this is true someone in the highest order of government is committing TREASON and needs to be arrested immediately.

    8 years ago, in fact!

    That is why we have a 2nd Amendment. In fact, that is the ONLY reason why we have it. It is not related to hunting or even personalized self-defense (which means you can own anything and it not even need be regulated) but it refers to the militia so we can maintain the “security of a free state”.

    Which means we are to have the same type of weapons the military has.

    Read it carefully.

    • P.S. – Molon Labe

    • The mural is showing Chemtrails and Soldiers with Gas Masks they are killing you along with bioengineering you with Chemtrails, the average age of life expectancy has been dropping worldwide due to these Chemtrails


    USA has effected SANCTIONS against Russia and has SURROUNDED China as a precursor to STARTING WW III

    AND.. the FEAR MONGERING pedlars of BS are saying…..Russia & China ….HAVE LENT Troops to O’bummer ? $$ !

    NO….WAY !! $$$ !


    The SCUM have been running this PHANTASY since Jade Helm.


  • Rocky ‘mountain’ High ~ Ahoy! Rich ‘king’ Mount……………..(17)
    Rocky ‘mountain’ High ~ Cooking ‘HR’ Humanity
    Rocky ‘mountain’ High ~ Touching ‘RHN’ I’m Okay

    • Spirit Cooking ~ Isotropic King – (AG)
      Isotropic ~ Coo! Spirit – (AG)

  • Since Trump is trying to make things work between Russia and the USA, I don’t think those are russian troops AT ALL. But I think we all know that these troops in Russian uniform may very well be used to carry out a false flag event to BLAME IT ON the Russians. How perfect…a war gets started to fight the Russians via the influence of the world elite HELL BOUND on everyone’s destruction.

    I hope that if and when they cause the shit to hit the fan that they get utterly and COMPLETELY trapped in their underground bases FOR LIFE. Deep underground slow death giant self prepared caskets!

    • Totally agree a …..FALSE FLAG….perpetrated by ……RUSSIAN speakers ….wearing CAMOUFLAGE.

      Definitely….NOT AUTHENTIC ….troops of the Russian Federation.

  • The mural above doesn’t strike me as portraying anything in America. The ruined structures resemble Middle Eastern style architecture and the women in the picture have head scarves covering their heads, similar to what Muslim women and some Christian sects wear in the Middle Eastern countries. The mural is likely depicting the devastation and genocide caused by incessant wars in those countries—largely by us, which may provide a clue as to who the gas-masked soldier represents.

    In terms of the claims you’re making about Colorado; I live there and haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. You’re constantly peddling B/S like this, and never offer any proof or evidence other than claiming you heard something from an “unnamed” or “anonymous” source. None of your other Chicken Little predictions have come to pass, so why would this one, Eraserhead? More ‘Hodge Podge’ B/S from Dave Hodges, the fear porn drama queen.

    • Which AREA do you live in Morgana ? Because in the area of Colorado that I live in I HAVE seen a number of things militarily that AREN’T normal !!!

  • I live in the mountains outside of the Denver area and I know the entire state pretty well . I grew up in the area that you were mentioning troop vehicles exiting in (off 120th Ave. North and I-25 in Adams County . There still a lot of rural area not far from there that could easily hide a fair number of troops and a lot of equipment and vehicles from people . There’s also a LOT of places in the foothills and mountains to the we

  • (Continued) west of the Denver metro area that would be even easier for hiding things (which could also explain WHY some of the counties have been closing off areas of public access to several of the mountain parks out here in the past few years) ! My guess is that they are probably moving things at night and over back road routes when they can to avoid alerting the public . Living in this area I’ve seen a lot of things within the last 5 years that AREN’T normal militarily !!I’ve mentioned some of them as comments to other reports on here . My guess would be that they would probably use the front range area as a U.S. central location to take over and branch out from while ringing the entire perimeter of the country and moving inward (possibly using a “Red Dawn” style invasion) and commando terrorist teams in key locations within large metro areas throughout the entire country . Would and COULD it be possible ? With the help and coordination of our lame duck traitor ass communist “Commander and Cheat” You bet it could !!!

  • Dave, I think they are going to initiate the takedown of the “Tower” on 16 Dec

    Referring to the Economist magazine 2017 cover.

    8 Trump cards, representing Dec 2016 thru july 2017. Game over. Each card has a value hence the day (date).

  • My neighbors are Russians, both are electrical engineers. The husband has been gone for two weeks. I noticed because his van has been gone. His wife appears to be still here. I wonder if he is in Colorado. What do you think?

  • I lived in Fountain, Colorado. It’s next to Fort Carson and there has been Russian troops training there since Ronald Reagan. During the time when the German’s tore down the wall. Russia and our military have been working in tandem on training missions and even sharing intel. This is nothing new, and it is laughable that people still go ooga booga over this.

    • then it’s possible some of the other articles about russian military recruits seen shopping in groups speaking russian at walmarts once a week werent fake news stories but real news

      • Russians are in America, that is not fake news. My son is stationed btw at Ft Carson. The real sign of Russia and America going to war is when both sides withdraw diplomats. If you see that happening, then yes it is time to worry. Russians training at the moment with US military is nothing new. It’s been going on since the 1980′s. Much of this fear porn is paranoid nonsense designed to make a profit off of their survival products. Which is also why the doctrine of Post Tribulation is so heavily promoted, it helps them make money.

  • Dave, All — you ‘wonder’ who the chechens and all these NWO/UN military are that are coming here?

    well, who is the nwo? —>it’s communists —> who invented communism? and have propegated it for 100+ years?
    Karl Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, ect ect —> all jewish. Who are the top power people in all western govts either directly or in the background? —> Jewish! The Chosen people. Read the Torah- Book of Genisis. After the phrase “chosen people” comes the statement that the rest of the world (non-chosen) is yours to take and do what you want with. Those two lines must be read together to get the full understanding. Simple-in plain sight.

  • All i know is, i live here and can’t find anyone who has seen these units on the highway.

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  • There are more Russians in one square block of Brooklyn NY that in all of those 6 locations in Colorado.

  • Just think. If Americans had not had their I.Q.s significantly lowered from growing up drinking fluoridated water, Dave Hodges wouldn’t have an audience.

    • Well, your still reading his post. What have you been drinking?

  • So a dozen russians in the USA are going to take over the place are they david ?

    Russia is working with the USA and the war in Syria is all for the media, that about all this proves and if Russia realy saw the USA as a threat then the first thing they would do is ban windows with all it’s CIA/NSA spyware

    Today both Russia and the USA are working out a plan so the ISIS terrorists in Aleppo can be allowed to escape so they can fight another day and tax payers can be fooled into spending more money on defence where a nut and bold painted green ends up costing $50 a pair

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