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As a former resident and current follower of The Golden State and its politics, I thought I might share this limited sampling of proposed new California firearms laws. As you can see, these proposed laws are imminently sensible, common sense solutions in alignment with the state’s continued push for firearms safety, and the eventual confiscation and elimination of all these instruments of mass murder.
o The Neighborhood Unnecessary Paranoia Act: This new law allows the state to levy a fine upon any person who either owns a weapon or who owns ammunition. For every complaint they receive from a neighbor living on your street who feels less safe or paranoid that you own a firearm or ammunition within their residential neighborhood, a reasonable fine of $1000 per neighbor complaint shall be imposed. Note: fines are doubled if you own both a firearm and ammunition for that firearm.
o The Lone Wolf Sniper Act: This eminently reasonable law allows state and/or federal agents to enter your home at any time, unannounced, to determine whether any of the long guns you own have been fired within the past week, as such use may indicate preparation for a political assassination.
o The Lone Wolf Sniper Scope Suppression Act: This law enables state agencies to register any rifle scope you may have in your possession, and to fine you accordingly if such scope may make shooting beyond 100 feet more accurate than shooting without it. A one hundred foot “cut off” is eminently reasonable, and is simply another “common sense” safety measure we can all support.
o The Lone Wolf Sniper Suppressor Suppression Act: This law allows state agents to impose jail sentences of at least three years for anyone caught with any form of silencer or sound suppressor, whether or not it is registered with the Federal Government. Additional sentencing time will be added if the owner also possesses a firearm said suppressor might actually fit, and/or who also owns any form of optical “scope” that might assist in accuracy of bullet placement.
o The Trigger Lock and Safe Safety Act: This law allows California State agents the right to enter your home at any time within one week to determine whether or not any of your firearms have regulation trigger locks installed and locked; and whether said firearm/s is also locked inside a safe so that in event of an emergency it will be totally useless.
o The Break Down and Separate Safety Act: This new common sense law adds an additional layer of safety to the “Trigger Lock and Safe Safety Act” above by mandating that all firearms must also be stored dis-assembled, in addition to having their triggers locked and stored inside a safe.
o The Revolving Combination Lock Safety Act: Adding one more layer to the common sense laws noted above, the “Revolving Combination Lock Safety Act” requires that all safes sold in California have rotary combination locks rather than digital combination locks, as tests have proven that in the event of an emergency, rotary locks take up to 5 minutes more to unlock than simple “punch in” digital combination locks, thereby increasing access time and ensuring your firearm will be a total afterthought in any emergency where you might mistakenly feel that self defense of your home and/or family was necessary.
o The Camouflage Invisibility Act: This law allows California state officials to confiscate any weapon (weapon is defined as handgun, revolver, rifle, BB gun, blow gun, sling shot or knife) that has any form of camouflage painted on it, whose obvious purpose is to make the weapon less visible to criminals or law enforcement officers who wish to confiscate it.
o The Colourful Camouflage Prevention Act: No firearm of any kind (pistol, revolver, shotgun or assault weapon style mass murdering killing machine) may be painted in such a way as to make said weapon less threatening in physical appearance. Therefore, any weapon painted or finished in any colour other than black (including pink, flag stripes, rhinestones, orange, day glow) etc., will be considered de facto evidence to make such weapon/s less threatening and therefore more socially acceptable. NOTE: any weapon coated with luminous paint which glows in the dark and will therefore allow immediate detection and confiscation by authorities does not fall within the purview of this common sense safety requirement.
o The Weekly Ammunition Inventory Act: This law allows California state agents to enter your home once a week, at random times unannounced, to count every round of ammunition and have you fill out a multi-part form for every round missing or which may be unaccounted.
o The Ammunition Identification Act: Taking a good idea a bit further in the right progressive direction, The Ammunition Identification Act requires that each individual round (both case and bullet) have micro-stamped identifying markings. Marking must include place where purchased, time and date where purchased, total amount of purchase, total amount of rounds purchased, name, address, zip code, telephone and social security number of purchaser, DNA and biometric information, along with a small indentation for blood and stool samples.
o The Illegal Immigrant and Thug Protection Act: In order to level the playing field that White people have enjoyed so long in their racist suppression of minorities, NONE of the above requirements will be enforced against “People of Color.” Therefore, any person who is a person of colour and is also a minority has no obligation to follow any of the above requirements. Any minority doing so will be assumed to be an Oreo if they are Black; a Coconut if they are Brown, a Banana if they are Yellow, or a Kidney Bean if they are Red. An addendum to this law allows the prosecution of any person of colour as a Racist if they seek to “go White” by voluntarily complying with these reasonable requirements for Affirmative Action.
o The Permanent Minority Status Illegal Immigrant Thug Protection Act: Adding yet one more layer to the permanent protection of any minority group living within the Golden State of California, the “Permanent” Minority Status Illegal Immigrant Thug and Protection Act declares that all people of colour are hereby to be considered permanent minorities even if their numbers, at some point, may actually numerically increase over those of the dominant, racist, genocidal White population. NOTE: This law does not apply to any minority, or person of “colour” or of any family member who entered the United States legally.
In closing, I am sure you and your brothers-in-arms can support these further “common sense” safety regulations to keep more assault revolvers, assault pistols, and fully automatic .22 caliber shotguns off our streets.
Remember that all firearms have only one purpose: to kill, injure, maim or cripple another human being. They are evil in and of themselves, and their evil is immediately transferred to any individual who as much as touches or even sees a photograph of these mass murdering instruments of death in a magazine.
I know The State of California can count on you to support their “common sense” progressive agenda for further firearms safety and gun control.
Governor Moonbeam and his Minions
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