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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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Astonishing Reveal: This the Third Attempt to Bankrupt Civilization & Shut Down Govt., Began With the First ‘Pump And Dump’ on the Amsterdam Stock Market Called Tulip Mania in 1637!

Thursday, October 17, 2013 0:59
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Because of the huge and embarassing unequal distribution of wealth on this planet (“We Could Feed a Starving world with What We Throw Away”), the “unentended consequences” of Capitalism are that a third of the world’s Family of Man is starving today.

Most of the rest not eating at all well, including the ‘wealthy’ citizens of America; everyone is fighting everyone else and the weather’s getting worse…

The human condition is not good, we are quite sick from this state of material non-sharing called Capitalism, or just greed.

And it could just possibly be terminal because our “political leaders” have been conned by the greed exploited by the same money lenders of Old Testament and Jesus’ temple fame. 

The first attempt was around the time of Jesus when Tiberius threw the money lenders out of Rome although History gives Jesus credit for the act and reduces the Roman Empire to a temple.

Jesus might very well have been one of this ’host of accusers’ though…

Meanwhile a powerful host of accusers fell with sudden fury on that class which systematically increased its wealth by usury in defiance of a law passed by Caesar the Dictator defining the terms of lending money and of holding estates in Italy, a law long obsolete because the public good is sacrificed to private interest”  – Publius Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, The Annals of Rome AD 27.

Twelve hundred years later, King Edward the First threw them out of England, lock, stock and anyone associated with them “over matters of Usury, which the monelenders did not apply to themelves or their families”.

They are back. And they now sit on Tiberius’ throne, on Edward’s, and, as you’ve seen them walkng through the ‘Revolving Door” between Wall Stree and Pennsylvania Avenue on the President’s Chair – as our rulers rather than protectors.

It’s time to lay the blame right where it belongs, without calling it ‘hate speech’ or prejudice, just the facts of history and fraudulent economics: this is the third time the moneylenders have tried to take over the known civilized world and bankrupt it – and this time they came within sixteen days to succeeding with a total shutdown.

What really happened? Did they actually succeed?

Well what do you think? The Debt Ceiling Drumbeat goes on…. and you are “another day older and deeper in debt.”

I have posted the following capsule history of Capitalist economics elsewhere and on as many occasions as I can – and will continue to do so -  because this bit of history must survive so that our grand children do not fall into the same pit – Tom Dennen


“In 1968, America was literally over the moon. Apollo 7 had just made the first manned lunar orbit and the nation would soon witness Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk. The United States was winning the war in Southeast Asia and the Great Society was on the verge of eliminating poverty. I remember my father taking me to the Buick dealership that summer in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, where he bought a 1969 Electra. As we drove home I asked him why we had bought the 1969 model when we had the 1968 one, which seemed equally good.

“That’s just what you do now,” my father said, “Every year you go and get a new car.” “Wouldn’t it be better,” I asked as a precocious nine year-old, “if we saved our money in case another depression happened?” I will never forget my father’s reply: “Son, the next depression will be completely different from the one that I knew as a boy. In that depression, virtually nobody had any money so if you had even a little, you could buy nearly anything. In the next depression, everyone will have plenty of money but it won’t buy much of anything.” – Scott Minerd, Chief Investment Officer, Guggenheim Funds

This, the third attempt to bankrupt civilization, began almost four hundred years ago with the first ‘pump and dump’ demonstration in the Amsterdam stock market called Tulip Mania, in reallity a coup that finally allowed the moneylenders after two thousand years to finally achieve loansharking ‘legitimacy’ among European governments who, instead of throwing them out, embraced them and colluded with them in the creation of Boom-bust Capitalism based on financial manipulation at every possible level.

One universal example: You buy a house. First ten years pays the interest on the loan, the next ten, the capital. You’ve paid ‘back’  double the loan capital.

Lender wins.

You buy a house. Any time you default on your mortgage, lender takes the house.

Lender wins.

Outside of war, where only the frontline lives are at risk, lending money to all sides in offers the best return on investments ever.

Lenders, only lenders win.

The first massive ‘transfer’ of middle-class wealth was the bursting of the South Sea Bubble in 1720.

Since then on average every forty-six years, for the last four hundred years there has been a commodity peak in the world’s stock markets, followed by a crash, followed by a depression.

The above statement is paraphrased from “The Great Reckoning” by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg, Sidgwick & Jackson, published in 1993 as a guide for rich investors, people who could afford the million-dollar entry fee for gambles like the TED Spread.

Theft is my interpretation of their observation of these last six events: once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a Declaration of War.

Four times is the gleeful realization that the Declaration fell on the deaf ears of sleeping fools, five times the arrogant daylight rape and plunder of the same fools – the sixth time, this time, Grand Theft, Planet © , is perhaps, hopefully, a lesson finally learned, and we wake up to the “Ancient Curse of Usury”.

There is a nine-year gap between commodity peaks and market crashes over the last five generations. Add forty-six years to that (the average number of years between peak and crash) and you have a boom-bust cycle twice every hundred years or once every other generation, meaning every other generation of working and middle-class citizens, for the last three hundred years has been good and truly and thoroughly Bust, the ‘between’ generations pumped up with a credit-driven Boom.

  • First Time: Commodity prices peaked in London in 1711. The South Sea Bubble burst exactly nine years later in 1720.

Depression followed.

  • Second time: Producer prices peaked in London in 1763. The London stock market crashed again in 1772 (nine years later).

Depression followed.

  • Third time: Commodity prices peaked in London in 1816.The London stock market crashed in 1825 (nine years later).

Depression followed.

  • Fourth time: Wholesale prices peaked in New York in 1864. A worldwide assets crash began in May 1873 (nine years later).

Depression followed.

  • Fifth time: Then followed our beloved Great Depression in the 30s, about which much has been said, from which, little learned.

  • Sixth time: Commodity prices peaked some fifty years later in Tokyo , in 1980. The Tokyo stock market crashed in 1989 (again, nine years later). The depression following that crash is still upon us, the dot-com mini boom all that was given as the obscene theft continues.

  • It is interesting to note that each Depression was bracketed by expensive (too the depressed population) wars, this one by the most expensive of all, a forty-five year American Imperialist expansion.

Look around at a bankrupt, war-wracked world and do the math with a trip “Between major boom and busts” in the Capitalist Valley Tour of economic history:

  • 1873 – This crash caused “The Long Depression” that lasted for 5 years – the biggest economic crisis for those times.
    * The panic of 1884.
    * The panic of 1890.
    * 1893 – The crash caused by the boom and then the burst of the railroad industry in the US.
    * 1893 – The ‘banking crises’ in Australia.
    * 1896 – A short, sharp mini depression in the USA caused by a drop in silver reserves that caused uncertainity about the gold standard.

Market Crashes After 1900 – the First World War begins making big time profit for the soon-to-be-global war profiteers, sorry ‘Defence Contractors’ aka Ike’s Military Industrial Complex.

* 1901 – New York Stock Exchange crashes.
* 1907 – Economic crash and recession in the USA.
* 1910–1911 – Crash
* 1910 – The crash of the rubber market in Shanghai.
* 1929 – The great stock market crash of 1929, that “caused” the Great Depression – the biggest and most important economic crisis in the 20th century outside of the current ‘crisis’ now called The Greater Depression.

* 1956 – 1973 – The ‘between busts’ TV-in-every-room, sweeping tail-fin,
Go Now, Pay Later Swinging Sixties Credit Boom – the last one in the series:


History reveals the reason why the Old Testament and every religion, philosophy, town council, boarding school and government in the world including Islam regards usury as not only a sin, but the theft of a sitting government’s tax base by property foreclosures leaving owners without the means to pay tax and today, governments ‘servicing debt’ rather than delivering services, a crime against humanity as a whole.

The consequences of that crime are before you, filling every news medium,and cranking up the fear.

And yes, it’s all about the love of money.

The last Roman Catholic Pope, John Paul 1 resigned over continuing financial scandals in the Vatican Bank, scandals that came into othe open when ‘The Smiling Pope’ was murdered less than a month into his papacy in 1985.

Almost everyone has heard the story of the Jekyl Island decision over the Federal Reserve Bank and President Wilson’s remarks shortly thereafter:

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit.We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson 1919, just six years after the Fed took over control of the US money supply, inflating the currency by one percent per annum from that date: what six cents bought in 1913, takes a dollar to buy today and climbing through the roof with inflation rates way above one percent now for decades.

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  • I’m glad to see people are finally reading some of our history. However so much is now removed.

    This ’1637′ is during the period of the Babylonian Slave Queen Selene, who created: Money & Banking; Commerce; Corporations & 5 day work week were all fruits of labor was seized as tribute to gods *corporations are given latin claims of divine rights, privileges, powers & it is a dual name system, ie ‘at&t’ was taught in commerce as ‘An, Tiamatt & Tamil(Enlil/Jupiter/Ba-el, king of hell)*; and Taxation on Man; as a specific form of slavery of Mankind, for which she was promoted.

    “She created the CORPORATION as the specific entrainment system to the Left Hand Path of SET for the Lesser Nobility, so that they could gain their ‘Fee Due’ from the Slave populations; and for this they revere ‘Selene’” Selene was the Babylonian name of Queen Elizabeth 1. Her Hebrew Coven Name was “Lilith”.
    “This created the ‘FEDERALS’ who were the “Merchants & Moneylenders at the Temple” of SET in Babylon. Because of Latin claim of Divine Rights; ‘Federal’ is a word with two senses. Its legal sense is “Fe-Der-Al” which is “Fee Due El(ohiem)” The Eloheim are with whom man is at war with in the war in Heaven”.

    The last time the lesser nobility were caught as the specific Coven of Selene/Lilith and committing the crime of Covet Means as the Federals, was in Moscow. The incident is now referred to as the “Merchants of Moscow” 1650…They slaughtered all of Moscow, and when the people caught them using the death rosters in private (Occult) ceremonies as human sacrifice “Tribute” to “Lilith” they rose up and committed a pogrom. Moscow burned to the ground. Today, they claim there are ‘no records’ of this period, and they have erased the Coven Age & altered our calendars. People are unaware that there is a couple of hundred years difference, a slight of hand, between the Hebrew calendar ‘date’ and today’s date system. IE, the school years start in September, because that is when the Hebrew calendar marks the beginning of the year.
    This was actually this period up to 1917.

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