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This Day in Fake News History (February 6th) Lady Gaga, Hole-in-Ones and Alan Shepard’s 2.5 Mile Moon Drive

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 12:18
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(Before It's News)

In this my first installment in reporting on This Day in Fake News History. I look at the fake news that the mainstream media has fed the public in years gone by. Here is what has happened on the date of February 6th in years gone by.
In this video I link Lady Gaga and Alan Shepard – Astronaut and first man to hit a golf ball 2.5 miles on the moon.
He was born on November 18, 1923 and passed away on July 21, 1998.

In May 1961 made the first manned Mercury flight. Shepard’s craft entered space, but did not achieve orbit. He became the second person, and the first American, to travel into space, and the first person to manually control the orientation of his spacecraft.

Ten years later, at age 47 and the oldest astronaut in the program, Shepard commanded the Apollo 14 mission (1971), piloting the lander Antares to the most accurate landing of the Apollo missions. He became the fifth and oldest person to walk on the Moon, and the only one of the Mercury Seven to do so. During the mission, he hit two golf balls on the lunar surface.

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