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(This research was done by Kelleigh Nelson [email protected] ,and passed on to me. George Eaton.
~“I respect [Council on Foreign Relations President] Richard Haass, who’s on your show a lot. And I like him a lot.” ~ Donald Trump, March 3rd, 2016, on the “Morning Joe” television show (1)
1) Robert E. Lighthizer
Position: U.S. Trade Representative
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations
2) Elaine L. Chao
Position: Transportation Secretary
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations
3) Steven T. Mnuchin
Position: Treasury Secretary
Member of The Order of Skull & Bones
4) Rick Perry
Position: Energy Secretary
Bilderberg Attendee
5) Rex Tillerson
Position: Secretary of State
CEO of Exxon Mobil Corporation (2006-2016), which is a Corporate Member of the Council onForeign Relations
“I also want to thank [Council on Foreign Relations President] Richard [Haass] for inviting me today. Although this is my first time speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, from a historical perspective, it feels a little bit like home. Some of you may or may not know the building we’re in was once the private residence of Harold Pratt, who was a former director of the Standard Oil Company. I also feel at home because the Council [on Foreign Relations] was founded on a number of beliefs that I share and that I trust most of you do, as well, and that is the belief in the promise of international engagement and in the potential for global approaches to meeting this nation’s challenges. In the very first issue of Foreign Affairs, statesman and founding Council member Elihu Root wrote, and I quote, ‘No nation whose citizens trade and travel need consider whether it will be a member of the community of nations. It is compelled by the situation. Because of this,’ he said, ‘there is a pressing demand for popular education in international affairs.’ Now, Root wrote this at a time when Americans were debating whether to choose an isolationist foreign policy or an internationalist one. The Council on Foreign Relations advocated the latter, and thankfully, this view eventually carried the day.” ~ Rex Tillerson, March 9, 2007
6) Betsy DeVos
Position: Secretary of Education
“Frank Cannon, the president of the adamantly anti-Common Core American Principles Project, said in a statement Tuesday that DeVos would be ‘a very Jeb-like pick’ and called it ‘puzzling’ that Trump was considering DeVos for the post. ‘He repeatedly assured parents across the heartland that he intended to return power over education to local schools,’ Cannon said of Trump. ‘It is puzzling, then, to see reports that the Trump transition team is considering an establishment, pro-Common Core Secretary of Education — this would not qualify as “draining the swamp” — and it seems to fly in the face of what Trump has stated on education policy up to this point.’”
7) Newt Gingrich
Position: Trump’s “Harry Hopkins”
former member of the Council on Foreign Relations
“I’ll be inside the White House as much as I want to.” ~ Newt Gingrich, December, 2016
8) James Mattis
Position: Secretary of Defense
Bilderberg Attendee
9) Jeff Sessions
Position: Attorney General
- April 7, 2016: Voted for funding for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) (The TSA “should be abolished, not given additional funding.”)
- December 9, 2015: Voted for the Every Student Succeeds Act (“[N]owhere in the U.S. Constitution is education listed as one of the government’s enumerated powers.”)
- June 16, 2015: Voted to allow for the use of torture as an interrogation technique (“[T]he Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’”)
- March 27, 2014: Voted for foreign aid for Ukraine (“[F]oreign aid is unconstitutional.”)
- October 12, 2011: Voted for U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Free trade agreements “are intended to transfer trade (and other) powers to super-national arrangements, despite the fact that under the Constitution only Congress has the power ‘to regulate commerce with foreign nations.’”)
10) Wilbur Ross
Position: Secretary of Commerce
former senior managing director of Rothschild Inc.
“In Atlantic City, Trump had another advantage. While it may be true in few other places, his name remains a magic marketing tool there. And that was the key factor in keeping the three casinos under the Trump Organization umbrella. Mortifying publicity about his marriage, love life, and material excesses only added to the raffish appeal that fascinates the gambling crowd. Prudential Insurance Co., a sizable holder of Taj bonds, initially wanted Trump’s name and equity removed from the Taj. The Pru and other Trump-haters relented after a plea from their financial adviser, Wilbur L. Ross Jr., a senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. ‘The Trump name added value to the casino,’ says Ross.”
11) Neil M. Gorsuch
Position: Supreme Court Justice
five-year “Term Member” of the Council on Foreign Relations (2004-2008)–2
12) H.R. McMaster
Position: National Security Advisor
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations
13) Stephen Allen Schwarzman
Position: Chairman of the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum
Member of the Order of Skull& Bones (1969) (See page 217.)