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Is the worm turning? What do I mean? National talk show hosts, Hannity and Limbaugh, are going after the Deep State and they are calling out the Clinton/Obama operatives. No need to rub your eyes, the following video describes what was said and where this is going
Sean Hannity seems to take his cue from Rush Limbaugh. Almost like they read the same source from the same store that sells cyber newspapers and magazines to anyone with bitcoins.
But I did find it surprising Rush mentioned the negro by name. That caught me off-guard because that is really pointing the finger at someone and the negro should take note of this.
Because when Rush points a finger at you and accuses you of something that is opening a can of worms.
Put it this way, Rush is seldom wrong, his track record is superb.
If you all recall you were all informed several days ago that a whole new strategy was coming. One that would transform the way America views the communist progressive movement. Trump has now expanded the investigation that the progressives have loudly been demanding to include the past four years of the progressive reign.
This expanded investigation will illuminate the nefarious acts of sedition and treason committed by the progressive usurps who are attacking our president. Both those who orchestrated and those on the first line who enacted this attempted coup d’état on the legitimately elected government of the United States of America are ultimately going to be arrested.
Those in the Progressive Party, their NGO counterparts, their cohorts in Congress and in the media who either participated in, or conspired with subversives to overthrow Trump, disguise the plot, those who supplied terrorists with monies and weapons like McCain and Clinton, those like Victoria Jane Nuland whose nation building coup d’état in Ukraine caused a massive, unprecedented level of death and destruction of innocent civilians, as well as the Progressive’s worldwide child sex trafficking operations are about to meet their legal fate. It is not going to be pretty.
In closing I wanted to wish everyone farewell. I will not be making contributions any longer under the call name of A Student of the Word. I am convinced that mixing the politics of Satan’s world with God’s Word is inappropriate. I would like to apologize to everyone for my previous error. I promise it will not happen again.
New name;
Deputy Dawg
PS watch for an escalation in the Progressive rhetoric and possibly even another false flag operation to be used as a distraction from their inevitable demise.
dear dave hodges and before~its~news:
thank you for the brief video on ‘hannity and limbaugh’!
your comment, “you cannot be sure to say that we are in the ENDTIMES”..
dave, you are only revealing an ignorance of THE BIBLE, and an admission that you do not know or study THE SCRIPTURES, when you say that. as an evangelist for 17solid years. and having studied THE WORD thoroughly, it would take volumes of writing just to show you the proof that the ENDTIMES are RIGHT NOW.
in short, there are aprpox. 334 MAJOR KEY ENDTIME [non~redundant] BIBLE PROPHECIES. this is the first time in mankind’s history that ALL are visible, in one form or another. JESUS said this is what identifies THE ENDTIMES.
thanks so much better with brief videos ; now, we can go on and review more of
your content.
blessings to you.