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London Calling: March 25th, Donald Trump’s Faulty Toronto Tower and Reading the Economist Tarot Cards

Friday, March 24, 2017 10:56
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After just watching what they did on ’322 Skull and Bones Day’ in London, England. Let’s see if ‘they’ have anything in store for March 25th. This is a very very important date in ‘their’ history. Not too many people know that right up until the year 1751 March 25th was the new year and not January 1st. It also just happens to be the date chosen as the first date used for Easter Sunday.

Much like the 2017 cover of the Illuminati Rothschild funded global elite magazine ‘The Economist’ and their Eight ‘Donald Trump’ Tarot Cards I bring you my own Eight Act Conspiracy of Discovery on why I see a Donald Trump connection between his Eight Tarot cards from the cover of The Economist Year in 2017 and the City of Toronto, Canada. My hometown. 

The following are the Acts and the time that they start at in the video.

13:55 Act One:  The Simpsons PS2 ‘Hit and Run’ Video Game, Trumps Toupee and Toronto’s Invictus Games

22:10 Act Two: Toronto’s Gay Tourism Video, I AM Invictus and September 23, 2017.

42:00 Act Three: Trump Tarot Cards

44:29 Act Four: Extra Capsa Economist Cover Breakdown

49:13 Act Five: Trumps Faulty Toronto Tower Deal

61:15 Act Six: Will Toronto Let Her Guard Down?

70:33 Act Seven: March 25th With Sister Wendy

84:06 Act Eight: March 25th The End

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