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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Secret Alien Intelligence Agenda Is Driving US Domestic and International Policy (Video)

Thursday, March 2, 2017 4:02
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In Snowden’s own words, the report continues, he outlined the reason for his highly secretive group obtaining and releasing these documents by warning that that there “were actually two governments in the US: the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”

As to who is running this “secret regime” Snowden and his cohorts were warning about, FSB experts in the report say, was confirmed this past weekend by former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by Russian intelligence services and stated they were, indeed, “accurate.”

Even though Defense Minister Hellyer’s exact statements to the FSB in regards to Snowden’s documents remain classified, shortly after his “extensive electronic interview” by the FSB he was allowed to appear on Russia Today’s program SophieCo this past fortnight where he shockingly admitted that aliens have “been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and described several types of these extraterrestrials, including “Tall Whites” who are working with the US Air Force in Nevada.

Of the many explosive revelations in the FSB report, the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden’s documents “confirming” that the “Tall Whites” are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.

Snowden’s documents further confirm, the report says, the “Tall Whites” (Nordic) meetings in 1954 with US President Dwight D. Eisenhower where the “secret regime” currently ruling over America was established.

On the subject of alleged alien abductions, Dr. David Jacobs Ph.D a recently retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University and specialized in the research of alien abductions, states the abduction phenomenon is not a benevolent, other-dimensional spiritual experience like so many people report. Rather, Jacobs’ research through hypnotic regression with alleged alien abductees suggests that alien-human hybrids are engaged in a clandestine program of the secret regime of infiltration into human society worldwide.

“These human hybrids are training to live here,” Jacobs asserts during an exclusive interview with EMN and although, the abductees are not allowed to remember what happened to them, these human hybrids are being trained by the abductees.

With the “Tall White” agenda being implemented by the “secret regime” ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth and the extensive infiltration of human-hybrids into human society worldwide they enter the final phase of their plan for total assimilation and world rule.


Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy


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