(Before It's News)
Senator Lindsey Graham reveals his true agenda in the MIddlel East: Start a war with Syria, Russia and Iran and depose Assad, - to place their own puppet leader in his place. Assad is loved by the great majority of his people and was legally elected to office. The US is blatantly trying to do regime chnage for ulterior motives. The US was NOT invited into Syria to fight against ISIS. Russia was invited in and the war is basically over. The only thing remaining are mop up operations. It is extremely dishonorable and unethical for the US to invade Syria and pretend they are now helping to fight against ISIS – when all along they have covertly supported ISIS and now want full regime change, which was the goal of ISIS all along. If the US fires one bullet at Syrian soldiers or fire one aircraft missile at Russian forces they do so with no Constitutional authority and are nothing more than thugs and pirates.