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Although I pride myself on trying to be a friend to all, I am known for not taking needless abuse. I had judged Donald Trump to be of the same mindset. I never thought I would see him take the abuse he is taking without fighting back. He does not need another good speech, he needs an indictment, he needs a liberal’s head on a platter. He needs a moral victory in the same manner as did our military in the early days of WW II when Doolittle bombed Japan. It was symbolic, but it rallied the troops.
Since Trump has been President, he has taken one body blow after another and the only way that he is fighting back is by responding using Twitter.
In short, President Trump is taking it on the chin and he does not appear to be fighting back. Forget looking Presidential, I expect him to start fighting back. Don’t be polite, it is “ass-kicking time”.
If he does not change the momentum that is clearly running against him, his Presidency may not survive. He needs victories. He has to show the fence-sitters that he means business. The Democrats smell blood and they are moving in for the kill.
In expressing this sentiment earlier in the day, I was attacked for not supporting Trump. I am 100% in his corner and I believe in the changes that he is trying to make. Some people say that “he has only been President for 5 weeks, give the man a break”. We are at war and the progress of this war will not be measured by the calendar. It is measured in victories that will neutralize the Deep State. And believe me, the Deep State needs to be destroyed. I need for Donald Trump to be like Jesus when he threw the bankers out of the Temple.
President Trump needs a victory, badly, and he needs it quickly. It is my recommendation that he has Sessions indict Hillary for national security violations in relation to the emails. Hillary is low-hanging fruit. This is a no-brainer prosecution. He needs to do this immediately to stem the tide of victories that the Deep State is piling up against him. Before he does this, however, but not before he fires the disloyal James “hear no evil, see no evil” Comey, the director of the FBI.
The following is an analysis of this approach.
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Yes the icon of the communist democrat party needs to be brought down to the pit.
You brought up an important point about these Democraps. Virtually all of them are criminals in one way or another, but the worst has to be the Negro, along with Hillary and Bill but you only mention Hillary.
Isn’t it the NEGRO that is responsible for this and NOT Hillary Pizzahut???
This proves to me your WHITE GUILT and outs you as a PHONY!! Why don’t you say the negro needs to be arrested??? Why is this story not about the sodomite negro???
Look, I kicked out an angle of mine for repeatedly calling the sodomite “President” as she is somewhat of a racist too. Both of you have PHONY WHITE GUILT when it not need be that way.
You should judge by RIGHTEOUSNESS and not be a respecter of persons or your WORST nightmare will come true. You will be awake to find you are being ruled by WOMEN and NEGROES!!
Ignore the italics. Formatting error.
In my humble opinion it is extremely presumptuous for commentators to try to second-guess President Trump and tell him what he ought to do. So far he has played a difficult hand brilliantly. Can’t wait to see what he does next!
Lets see, Donald Trump is The President of The United States of America and Dave spreads fear porn all day long. To become The President you have to know what you are doing. To post fear porn stories on BIN you have to be like Dave. America Trusted Trump enough to make him The President of The United States of America and Dave post fear porn all day long.
See the pattern here?
Maybe DT is not who he says he is? He kept Comey, isn’t indicting HRC or BHO? Something is rotten in Denmark.
Start locking them up Trump, time is of the essence. We are about to loose our country. Please get Hillary first, she thinks she is untouchable. Then pease, please, please arrest all the evil satanic perverts associated with pizza gate. Stay safe, I pray for you and your family daily…
Josie, I think it would be a much better idea to lock you up and put you in a cage with all your Pizzagate friends. Your evil and so are your ideas. When you live out your own ideas for yourself, I am sure you would come up with a better solution.