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War! Trump sends 2,500 paratroopers to Syria and Iraq -Is this staging for regime change? Or a war against Iran?

Saturday, March 11, 2017 3:15
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(Before It's News)

~~Here we go again. The US under a new president is gearing up for another banker’s war. With the recent deployment of the US military into Syria, illegally I should add, the Trump Whitehouse is staging the entire brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. This is in addition to the official “rough” number of 6,000 soldiers already in the Syria/Iraq theater. Additionally, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday that the Army’s elite 75th Ranger Regiment appeared in the Syrian city of Manbij over the weekend. 

  The only reason Obama didn’t do this is because he was playing footsies with the muslims. Of course Obama didn’t mind supporting ISIS that butchered Christians and innocent Syrians the past many years. But apparently he balked at finishing the job and confronting the Russians. Now with a new president the globalists are hell bent to continue the purge and finish the agenda to take over Syria and Iran. If you’re listening Trump, now is a good time to stop this nonsense and resist the New World Order. War is not the answer, this is unconstitutional. If moves are made against Syria or Iran – Russia may get directly involved, and they can back up what they do with nukes. Or, is that what you wanted all along???

This is what I wrote in the comment section:

“How do we know these troops will not be used against Assad and the Syrian army? The truth is, the war against ISIS is in the mop up stage. There is no need for the US military to be there, and the Syrian govenment has not given them permission to even be in the country. This looks more like staging of the military to enforce regime change and also be in position to go after Iran next.”


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