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Walnut Cream Cheese Bun 起司核桃面包

Friday, February 10, 2017 9:04
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After years of bread making,  I really love the prefermented dough making version. It has proved that the bread actually turns out really moist and lasting.  And one of the most commonly known is the gelatinized method by Alex Goh.  Once again, I’m working out another delicious bread from his bread recipe. Hope you guys will love it too !


Ingredients : (recipe adapted to Alex Goh)
Gelatinised dough :
100gm  bread flour
70ml  boiling water
(mix together to form a rough dough then rest for 1 hour)

Main Bread dough :
300gm  bread flour
100gm  all purpose flour
2 TB  milk powder
80gm  sugar
1 TB  yeast
1 tspn  salt
175ml   tap water
1 egg, do not beat
60gm  cold butter, chopped
100gm   walnut, toasted & chopped

Fillings :   350gm   cream cheese, softened at room temperature
                  150gm  icing sugar
                  1 lime juice & rinds
                  (mix together all ingredients till well cooperated then keep chilled)

Method : 
(1) combine both flour, milk powder, sugar, yeast and egg into a big mixing bowl, then tear gelatinised dough into pieces add into the mixture.
(2) either by using an electric hook mixer or by hand, stir mixture by adding in water till a soft dough is form and then add in salt & butter and knead till everything is well cooperated and smooth dough is formed.
(3) now, keep dough cover and leave to rest for an hour or till double in size.
(4) when ready, punch to release excess air and knead till smooth, then place dough to a slightly floured working table and divide into 6 portions. Again, rest for 10 minutes.
(5) next, flatten dough and fill in cream cheese mixture and toasted walnut (reserved 1/3 cup), then sealed and arrange them to 9×13″ baking pan lined with parchment paper individually and leave to rest for another 45 minutes.
(6) sprinkle the remaining walnut to the top of each buns then press the center with a gadget to form a doughnut shape dough.
(7) finally, bake at preheated oven 185′C for about 20 minutes or till golden brown.


The buns turned out great even without the egg glazing. However, I won’t go without the icing sugar garnished before serving. Its always look stunning with the sugar dust.


The texture is moist and soft ! Yet …..still preferably to add in an extra spoon of cream cheese if possible. >o<  And that would be perfect !


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