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Blueberry Chiffon Cake 蓝莓戚风蛋糕

Sunday, March 12, 2017 17:48
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A few weeks ago, I saw a beautiful blueberry chiffon cake on a baking group page on Facebook. I always have a habit storing blueberries in my freezer, so I baked this chiffon cake on a lazy afternoon.  To make this blueberry chiffon cake, simply puree the blueberries. I’m so happy that the cake turned out perfect, light and airy. As always, I like to add lemon zest to give a better flavour with every bite. You can also use strawberries if preferred.

blueberry chiffon cake

Blueberry Chiffon Cake
Prep time

Cook time

Total time


  • 5 egg yolks (whole egg 70g each)
  • 25g caster sugar
  • 40ml corn oil
  • 100g fresh or frozen blueberries, puree
  • 100g plain flour or cake flour, sifted
  • lemon zest from one lemon
  1. Beat egg yolks and sugar with a hand whisk until slight pale. Add oil, mix well followed by blueberry puree and combine well.
  2. Sift the flour for the second time directly into the yolk mixture together with the lemon zest. Stir as you add till smooth and egg mixtures into thick paste.
  3. Beat egg whites and lemon juice until frothy. Add sugar in 2 batches and whisk until stiff peak and glossy-looked
  4. Fold ⅓ of egg whites into the yolk mixture with a rubber spatula. Then pour in the remaining egg whites in 2 separate rounds, each gently fold gently before the next until just combined.
  5. Pour batter into a 20 cm ungreased chiffon tube pan and bake in preheated oven at 160 deg C for 10 minutes. Then lower temperature to 150 deg C and bake for another 40 minutes.
  6. Remove from oven, invert cake immediately on a wire rack to cool completely before unmoulding.

    recipe adapted from here with slight adjustments



*松软轻盈。。綿綿密密 ,每一口有輕飄飄口感 ~


  • 5个 蛋黄 (鸡蛋一个约70克)
  • 25克 细砂糖
  • 40毫升 玉米油
  • 100克 鲜或冷冻蓝莓,打成泥状
  • 100克 普通或低筋面粉,过筛
  • 1粒 柠檬皮屑
  • 蛋白霜
  • 5个 蛋白
  • 1茶匙 柠檬汁
  • 40克 细砂糖


  1. 将蛋糊和细糖用手打蛋器搅拌均匀至略微泛白。加热玉米油拌匀,接着倒入蓝莓泥再拌匀即可。
  2. 把面粉再过筛第二次入蛋糊里(加入柠檬皮屑),边筛边搅致蛋糊浓稠状态。
  3. 用搅拌机把蛋白及柠檬汁打致起泡泡,细砂糖分2次加入,打致硬性发泡。
  4. 取出1/3的蛋白霜与面糊翻拌均匀,再倒入剩余的蛋白霜,用橡胶刮刀轻轻的翻拌均匀。
  5. 将面糊倒入20cm戚风摸。放入预热摄氏160度10分钟,然后将温度调低至150度再继续烤约40分钟即可。
  6. 烤好的蛋糕从烤箱里取出,立即倒扣直到冷却才脱模。



The post Blueberry Chiffon Cake 蓝莓戚风蛋糕 appeared first on Anncoo Journal.


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