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This Is Huge! Massive Heat Under Yellowstone Melton Carbon Game Changer One Eruption Means Nuclear Winter! (Video) BP Earthwatch

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 19:52
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(Before It's News)


February 15 2017

Instead of Molten Rock, this heat signature is molten Carbon. Big Difference, one eruption means Nuclear Winter.

From BP EArthwatch

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Total 11 comments
  • What’s melton carbon ?

    • Melton is a cloth, usually made from wool. Often used in the manufacture of hot clothing.

  • This isn’t new, just new discovery. While I didn’t fact check anything in the video, if it is true, why didn’t any of this “molten carbon” create a mini ice age when Helens blew back in the 80s? The guy says if any of these volcanoes erupted, all this carbon would be catastrophic and bring about an ice age. So why now and not before? Doesn’t make sense.

  • “They’re saying”, “could contain”; What are you pushing fear for?
    “They” say alot. Most of which is more lies.
    Stop the fear.
    “They” do not know! “They” assume, presume, and conjure shit up to keep their jobs.
    Demand Proof!!!!

    • You are correct Uncle Thanky, and this is the same unproven stuff that Trump is trying to put a stop to on the mainstream networks by having them fired and removed from being able to broadcasting such nonsense. Imagine what would happen if you heard someone on national tv news report a story like this. Trump would have his head. I think we will soon see a big change in these false and or in this case highly exaggerated and mostly untrue story, which is also a very old one with nothing new in reality……..

  • TC

    A bit of a stretch here.

    The crust of the earth is at most about 25 miles thick so this “molten carbon” is over 10 times deeper. It appears therefore that a scientist has discovered a discontinuity in the molten mantle and believes it may be carbon. Maybe, maybe not. It’s a long way down.

    In any case an event that could cause this carbon to travel upwards 250 miles, then break through the crust in an enormous eruption would be so catastrophic that none of us would be alive to figure out what it’s made of.

    Sleep well. Enjoy life.

  • I can see a geo thermo power station in our future. The energy in that one spot could probably supply power to a incredibly large city.

  • It has been there for millions of years…but it IS good fodder for the fear porn crowd who loves attention, which what I see is most of BIN contributors.

  • DONT listened to that B.P,,,,=fearmonger,,,, he takes every chanse he get to scare the folowers,,,totaly biiig B-S,,,,

  • wbb

    This is gonna blow is a couple of years old already……

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