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Are you too stupid to understand that some seek to manipulate you online for political reasons? The planners think you are

Sunday, March 12, 2017 21:17
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The attached article raises interesting issues but they are not new issues. Of course one must be aware of things like algorithms that tailor ads for our own specific consumption. But the “planners”, the “controllers” are increasingly concerned that people lack the ability to understand how the Internet actually works. They are concerned because of you know, Brexit, Trump, and the disintegration of the EU/globalist dream before their eyes. These people would much rather the government (which we must ALWAYS remember has its own agenda, the government is NOT US) control the dissemination of political information online. You know like how the Chinese Communist Party does.

(From The Guardian)

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the worldwide web, has called for tighter regulation of online political advertising, which he says is being used in “unethical ways”.

“We urgently need to close the ‘internet blind spot’ in the regulation of political campaigning,” he said, writing in an open letter marking the 28th anniversary of his invention.

The 61-year-old British computer scientist described how political advertising has become a sophisticated and targeted industry, drawing on enormous pools of personal data on Facebook and Google. This means that campaigns create personalised ads for individuals – as many as 50,000 variations each day on Facebook during the 2016 US election, he said.

Click here for the article.


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