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Ron Paul: Whistle-blowers are heroic, patriotic

Monday, March 13, 2017 21:17
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(Before It's News)

Sorry (some) folks but I am glad Snowden did what he did. He did us a favor. He didn’t do the US government a favor. Indeed he made its job harder. But he did US, WE the PEOPLE a favor. A big one.

(From The USA Today)

It’s deeply troubling that so many in the news media and in both political parties attack the efforts of whistle-blowers and those who publish their revelations. These individuals risk it all, not for their own wealth and glory, but to inform us of what is being done to us and in our name.

Their releases are both heroic and pro-American.

We are told that the government must be allowed to operate in secret in order to keep us safe, but how much security do we really have if we allow the government to deprive us of our liberty?

Click here for the article.


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