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Bernie is telling the Democratic Party the truth about identity politics and political correctness, namely that it is a stinking pile of nihilistic bulls–t (And they don’t like it)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 21:33
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(To the extent that he can.)

Look, I in no way want to see the kind of economics Bernie thinks is a good idea. It would be disastrous on a Biblical scale. But on why the Democratic Party is what it has become Mr. Sanders is absolutely correct. The world is much more than Third Wave feminists, urban political machines run by crony racial hucksters, university sociology departments, and government employees. Sorry. 

And guess what? The truth – you know that thing – the truth – is that almost everyone knows that political correctness and identity politics is a stinking pile of nihilistic bulls–t. And I am talking about “liberals” too.  We KNOW that we are more than our gender, or “race,” or sexual orientation. We KNOW that identity politics is an affront to the deep spirit of America, whose fundamental unifying cultural trait is bourgeois liberty. We KNOW that identity politics is an affront to the ideals embodied in the “Dream” speech Martin Luther King gave in front of the Lincoln Memorial. We KNOW that an emphasis on differences, and not on our collective humanity stifles what we could be.

We know. We all know. But many are afraid to say what they know for fear of being called racist, sexist, or something else.

So long as the mainstream Democratic Party continues to cling to the divisive, and frankly just ugly worldview it does now it will continue to fail.

(From Salon)

This was consistent with Sanders’ underlying message since last November’s election — namely, that the Democratic Party should return to having a more populist style of politics and espouse a social democratic agenda to address growing economic inequality and help working- and middle-class Americans. This plea has been met with skepticism and even hostility from a good number of liberals and centrist Democrats, who construe the popular senator’s fixation on confronting economic justice and corporate malfeasance as an indifference to  other crucial issues, including gay rights, criminal justice reform or protecting women’s reproductive rights.

It’s not surprising then that many liberals interpreted the progressive senator’s latest comments as downplaying and even erasing the very real bigotry that continues to play a role in American politics and life. “Dear @BernieSanders You don’t have to erase the deeply rooted pain of POC, Women, Muslims & LGBT in America to battle Wall Street. Do Better!” tweeted Clinton superfan James K. Holder (also known as  “Sir James the Second”), while another popular Twitter personality, Elliott Lusztig, opined, “I love Bernie Sanders but he’s got to stop apologizing for the racism sexism & bigotry of Trump supporters. Enough.”

For the record, Lusztig does not actually “love” Sanders and has long directed his vitriol at the senator, and Holder suggested in February that Democratic National Committee chair candidate Keith Ellison — a black congressman who is a Muslim — was leading a “white takeover” of the DNC with Sanders.

Click here for the article.


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