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Shadow of Truth – From The Ground, Kim from CN

Saturday, August 22, 2015 11:28
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(Before It's News)

from The Daily Coin:

Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ~George Carlin

What’s happening now is all just fluff compared to what’s going to happen. – Kim McAvoy, voice of the people on Shadow of Truth

It’s beginning to look like the beginning of the end. Some sort of motivation beyond what’s obvious prompted China to start devaluing the yuan and further remove the yuan’s peg to the dollar. This seems to be the end of the long road that has been traveled by the proverbial “kicked” can.

Similarly, gold has had an impressive 11-day run in which it’s rallied over 6%. Not too bad for something Rupert Murdoch’s “Wall Street Journal” referenced as being analogous to a Pet Rock. While the mainstream media apologists and analytic charlatans will attribute gold’s move to “short covering,” we believe the fundamental driver of this rally has the unmistakable odor of “flight to safety.”

We hosted a special guest on the latest Shadow of Truth “Market Update.” After exchanging a series of emails with her, we got to know Kim and wanted to host someone who could represent “the man on the street” voice. As Rory stated:

I think it’s important for people – in particular people that are new [to the world of truthseeking[ to hear what real live people are doing; not just from you and I – everybody can hear what you and I are doing. Let’s hear from somebody who nobody knows and is out there making it happen [seeking facts and preparing for what’s coming].

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