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Bombshell: Obama’s NSA Illegally Spied on Sheriff Arpaio’s Prosecution

Monday, March 20, 2017 18:18
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by Kit Daniels, Infowars:

While the Department of Justice was prosecuting Sheriff Arpaio from 2008 to 2010, the NSA conducted electronic surveillance of the various Arizona judges on the case, on Sheriff Arpaio, and on the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, while the DOJ attorneys for Eric Holder maintained an on-going telephone back-channel discussion with the federal judge assigned to handle the case.

A timeline of the Arpaio civil rights case, created with the assistance of the Operation Dragnet whistleblower and made public in a federal hearing that disseminated the timeline to the public, was provided to, and is reproduced in full here:

Editor’s Note: Compare this to FBI Director Comey’s claim that there’s “no information” to support Trump’s wiretap tweets.

The timeline released in federal court details NSA electronic surveillance and DOJ judge-tampering in the civil rights case brought against Arpaio in 2008, involving the 2007 arrest of Manuel de Jesús Ortega Melendres, with the DOJ charging Arpaio with discriminating against Hispanics by implementing car-stop procedures DOJ considered to involve racial-profiling. is currently taking steps to bring this information before the White House, Congress and the DOJ, alleging the Obama administration in prosecuting Sheriff Arpaio has engaged in extensive illegal and unconstitutional electronic surveillance undertaken by the DOJ and NSA working secretly together.

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