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The hijab is a symbol of Islam’s brutal oppression of women
by Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars:
Three moms in Pittsburgh are creating ‘Hello Hijab’ Barbie-compatible Islamic headscarves to encourage “inclusivity” and fight racism, presumably unaware of the fact that the hijab is a symbol of Islam’s brutal oppression of women.
Gisele Fetterman, Safaa Bokhari and Kristen Michaels are re-purposing hijabs to create veils for Barbie dolls so that children become more comfortable with being surrounded by veiled Muslim women.
“They will see it as a kind memory from their playtime, and then they will grow into a kinder generation, being used to playing with dolls that look different to them,” Fetterman explained. She said the idea came to her after realizing none of her daughter’s dolls looked like her Muslim friends.
The hijab represents Islam’s patriarchal oppression of women. Efforts by leftists to re-characterize it as a feminist symbol, which intensified during the recent “womens’ march,” are not just laughable, they’re despicable.
Throughout modern history, actual Muslim feminists have tried to dispense with the hijab as part of their desperate struggle for liberation, notably Huda Shaarawi, who founded the Egyptian Feminist Union in 1922, which encouraged Muslim women to discard their veils.
Video footage from liberated areas of Syria and Iraq also shows Muslim women discarding and burning the veils they were forced to wear by ISIS jihadists.