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Michael Moore Calls POTUS “Sick” For Honoring Veterans

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 21:25
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by Steve Watson, Infowars:

Following the President’s rousing address to Congress, which many, including his detractors, said was a turning point for Trump, filmmaker Michael Moore refused to offer any praise, instead calling Trump “sick” and “narcissistic” for paying tribute to veterans.

“I’m going to get an Emmy for this. Most applause for a dead solider on my watch. The sickness of this man,” Moore sardonically exclaimed during an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews.

Moore was referring to the section of Trump’s speech during which he paid tribute to fallen Navy Seal William “Ryan” Owens.

Owens’ widow, Carryn, was present as a special guest of the president during the address.

“Ryan died as he lived: A warrior, and a hero—battling against terrorism and securing our nation,” Trump said, adding that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis “reconfirmed that, ‘Ryan was a part of a highly successful raid that generated large amounts of vital intelligence that will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemies.”

The comments were followed by a sustained standing ovation for Owens, which was pinpointed by talking heads across the political spectrum as the most powerful moment of the address.

Elsewhere during the speech, Trump vowed to “deliver for America’s veterans.”

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