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UPDATE-This week in monetary policy: Nigeria, Morocco, Argentina, Paraguay, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Russia, Colombia and Pakistan

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 18:25
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    ( Following item is updated with the central bank of Pakistan, which will release its monetary policy decision on Saturday, March 25.)
    This week (March 19 through March 25) central banks from 11 countries or jurisdictions are scheduled to decide on monetary policy: Nigeria, Morocco, Argentina, Paraguay, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Russia, Colombia and Pakistan.
    Following table includes the name of the country, the date of the next policy decision, the current policy rate, the result of the last policy decision, the change in the policy rate year to date, the rate one year ago, and the country’s MSCI classification.
    The table is updated when the latest decisions are announced and can always accessed by clicking on This Week.  

MAR 19 – MAR 25, 2017:
COUNTRY                 DATE                RATE           LATEST                 YTD               1 YR AGO       MSCI
TAJIKISTAN 20-Mar 16.00% 350 500 9.00%
MOROCCO 21-Mar 2.25% 0 0 2.25%          FM
NIGERIA 21-Mar 14.00% 0 0 14.00%          FM
ARGENTINA 21-Mar 24.25% 0 0 36.75%          FM
PARAGUAY 22-Mar 5.50% 0 0 6.00%
NEW ZEALAND 23-Mar 1.75% 0 0 2.25%          DM
PHILIPPINES 23-Mar 3.00% 0 0 4.00%          EM
TAIWAN 23-Mar 1.375% 0 0 1.50%          EM
SRI LANKA 24-Mar 7.00% 0 0 6.50%          FM
RUSSIA 24-Mar 10.00% 0 0 11.00%          EM
COLOMBIA 24-Mar 7.25% -25 -25 6.50%          EM
PAKISTAN 25-Mar 5.75% 0 0 6.00%          EM


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