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US Will Be Forced to Accept a Devalued Dollar & That’s When the Crisis Hits (Video) Jim Willie

Thursday, March 9, 2017 8:20
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(Before It's News)




According to Mr Willie a complete fracturing of the US economy is in the process. Are you prepared?

1300 stores are shutting down this year and much more. a must see & share!

From The X22 Report

US Will Be Forced To Accept A Devalued Domestic Dollar, That’s When The Crisis Hits:Jim Willie


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Total 3 comments
  • The Us will have to accept a devalued dollar? The Federal Reserve and congress have been devaluing the dollar for 100 years! It’s called inflation. Inflation is created by increasing the money supply (cash or Credit) which always eventually corresponds to an increase in the cost of goods or services. Each year inflation say 3% inflation that means your dollar is now worth .97 cents. An ounce of Gold is set by law at $20 it’s inflated to $1203 currently, that’s how bad you’ve been screwed.

    No other country in the history of the world has ever printed worthless cash the way we have. You are watching history being made EVERY DAY the markets don’t crash.

    • In the USA the inflation rate varies wildly depending on the item. Food prices in the past 75 years have increased at a so-called normal rate of inflation but housing and medical costs have increased in price at a rate that’s off the charts. That’s why millions of homes are now ”underwater”. That means that these house are now worth far less than what was paid for them. The owners of these homes are screwed big-time.

      The Federal Reserve in DC is a private company. There is nothing ”Federal” about it. A better name would be Joe’s Money Printing Company.

  • dear christians:
    the END TIMES are upon us NOW; without much time.

    ***please boycott these long-winded videos****

    send a strong message to these christian sources to mandate ONLY
    brief, to~the~point, videos and messages.

    if this were 20 years ago, then fine..JESUS is very soon to RETURN.

    info needs to be brief, to the point; so as that one can move on to the
    next important info.

    ignore this, don’t help with spreading the word insisting on this, then
    do not expect THE LORD to say to you, ‘Well done’. HE’S going to say to you, ‘you did not care one bit about
    the urgency of MY RETURN.. depart from ME’.
    be warned, “christians”..wake up.

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