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My Upcoming David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture at SJSU

Friday, April 7, 2017 7:24
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(Before It's News)

On Thursday April 13th, I will give the David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture at San Jose State University.   My friend and co-author Matt Holian serves on their faculty.    I am aware that I am a provocative thinker.  Google “Matthew Kahn and Joe Romm” to see what provocation looks like.  Now that it is “acceptable” to discuss the microeconomics of climate change adaptation,  my views have become more mainstream.  Read what I wrote in 2010, I stick to this logic.  Read my new 2017 Hamilton Project  paper.  Listen to my April 5th NPR podcast.  I think that I'm a reasonable man.  Do you agree?

In recent years, I have even refined some of my thinking. Here is my 2017 paper on the adaptation challenges posed by climate skeptics  and here is my 2016 paper on the microeconomics of which firms will invest in air conditioning in our hotter future..  My Hamilton Project paper focuses on how to protect the urban poor from climate change.  I have a forthcoming paper in the Asian Development Review focused on protecting Asia's urban poor.  My paper on the “economics of Lego” and the optimal durability of the urban capital stock (joint with Devin Bunten and forthcoming in the Journal of Housing Economics) interests everyone.   I am thinking and I'm not consulting!  For better or worse, I am provocative.  


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