
Election 2012

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Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on Syria

Thornberry, Military Service Chiefs warn of serious consequences without proper military funding

Campaign for Liberty joins Rand Paul to oppose Civil Asset Theft

Campaign for Liberty to Trump Administration: Hands Off Internet Gaming

Thornberry statement on BLM’s admission of error in Red River surveys

This week in Congress

Thornberry announces 2017 Congressional Art Competition

This week in Congress

If Republicans are going to try to repeal Obamacare, they should go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.

Stop Obamacare 2.0

Trump’s Budget Includes Needed Spending Cuts

RyanCare Repeats Obamacare Mistakes

Ryan-Backed Group Targets Freedom Caucus

GOP Leaders Have Failed Trump

RyanCare = Obamacare 2.0

Tom Hoefling discusses the Gorsuch nomination on Consider This

Senate Cloture vote on NATO Expansion today!

Not the Law of the Land

Part of the problem

Thank You for Defending Liberty

Thornberry statement on House failure to pass health care bill

Celebrate Human Achiement

Tell the Freedom Caucus to Oppose RyanCare

So many lies

If Republicans are going to try to repeal Obamacare, they should go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.

No job is worth that

Trump’s Budget Includes Needed Spending Cuts

RyanCare Repeats Obamacare Mistakes

Ryan-Backed Group Targets Freedom Caucus

GOP Leaders Have Failed Trump

Stories With Most Comments
