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By Frosty Wooldridge (Reporter)
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The Perfect Storm Descending Upon America: Immigration

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 13:44
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(Before It's News)

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: Immigration onslaught. Part 2: Sociological impact. Part 3: Environmental impact. Part 4: What you must do.

Every morning, noon and night, you hear the weather report forecasted in your specific area.  Meteorologists warn you of approaching tornados, rainsqualls or blizzards.  They warn you of breezes or high winds. You know the temperatures in order to dress correctly or not to drive that day.

Because of those forecasts, you make daily choices with knowledge and understanding.  You protect yourself and your family.

Do you ever notice the evening news with cars piled up in 20 car crashes because they drove into a blinding snow storm?  What about a cluster of 18-wheelers that drove into a fog bank only to create multiple deaths?  As you look at the traffic standing still in your city, why did all those people drive their cars into such a gridlocked mess?

As you sit there watching the evening news, you wonder, “Why did so many people make such stupid choices…why did they drive into a blinding snow storm…why didn’t they pull over and park it…why didn’t they stay home?”

But what about your future, the future of your community, the future of your state, and ultimately, the future of your country—if you don’t get to see a forecast about the “Perfect Storm Descending upon America” in the form of endless immigration? 

Sheer Enormity of the Immigration Storm

In this four part series, you will see exactly what you and your family faces in the next three decades of the storm of “endless immigration” brought to you by your U.S. Congress, your senators, your House reps and ultimately, the president of the United States.

While no one can change the weather, each of us can change the future of our country by stopping the “immigration tsunami” bearing down on all 48 states.

As a forecaster, I can tell you this:  once this immigration storm hits, no one escapes its accelerating and multiple consequences.

The 1965 Immigration Reform Act drives this “perfect storm” bearing down on the USA.  At that time, Congress increased legal immigration to 1.2 million annually.  That single act added 100,000,000 (million) people to the USA in 40 years.  If allowed to continue, it will ad 138 million more people within 33 years. We stand 28 million into that 138 million in 2017.

Let’s look at the numbers.  According to the Pew Research Center,, U.S. Census Bureau and the Fogel/Martin Population Projections—legal immigration expects to jump U.S. population by 100,000,000 (million) people, net gain by 2045 or sooner. That’s immigrants, their birth rates and their chain migrated relatives.  The other 38 million will be US births by US mothers at two children per woman on average.  The baseline population was 300,000,000 (million) in 2006.

Dr. Steve Camarata of the Center for Immigration Studies,, tells us that 500,000 illegal aliens violate our borders annually. If you take 33 years times 500,000 people, that adds another 16,500,000 (million) more people.  That would take us from the projected 438 million to 454.5 million in 2050.

That equates to doubling the size of our 40 most populated cities within the United States.  That means New York City jumps from 8.3 million to 16.6 million; Los Angeles increases from 11 million to 22 million; Chicago from 5 million to 10 million and on down the line. 

Florida expects to jump from 18 million to 36 million.  Texas increases from 26 million to 36 million.  California accelerates from 38 million to 58 million.

How do you water, feed, warm, transport, house, provide jobs in an increasingly robotic world, and provide resources for in excess of another 154.5 million people? 

With all the problems we face today such as 47.7 million Americans subsisting on food stamps, or 8.7 million unemployed, or our inner cities rotting into chaos, or our air pollution rates exploding off the charts, or our gridlock traffic immobilizing our cities, or our water pollution like Flint, Michigan and dozens of other US cities—-how in the living daylights will we survive the first part of this storm? 

My long time colleague, Dr. Albert Bartlett, , said, “Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale from microscopic to global, whose long term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted or advanced by further increases of population, locally, nationally or globally?”

Of course the answer: nothing will get better. Everything will get worse.  No one will be immune.  Everyone will suffer.

Part 2:  Sociological impact. How will we deal with 100 million people from 190 different countries with 190 different cultures and 190 different languages?  How will we deal with ethnic strife, linguistic chaos and cultural tensions?   How will we stop from being pulled apart with so many people pulling in their own directions?  Answer: it’s not going to be pretty.

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:


“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”


Take action by joining for free:

America: ; ;     ;
United Kingdom: 
  Australia: Sustainable Population Australia


– Frosty Wooldridge

Golden, CO 

Population-Immigration-Environmental specialist: speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences

Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge

Facebook Adventure Page: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World 

Six continent world bicycle traveler


Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Canada to Mexico summer 2015, 2,000 miles, 100,000 vertical feet of climbing:




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