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Banking on AI

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 11:50
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The BBC has a piece about a report into the way banks aim to use artificial intelligence as part of their customer interaction.

Artificial intelligence will be the main way that banks interact with their customers within the next three years, a report from consultancy Accenture has suggested.

Banks such as Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are increasingly using chatbots to answer customer queries.

The report examined the views of 600 bankers and other experts.

Many, perhaps ironically, felt that AI would help banks create a more human-like customer experience.

A more human-like customer experience? Strewth, what does that say about their staff? Or their management for that matter. In our case the bank is mostly an ATM and online services, our banking interactions are largely conducted through computers anyway.

Where AI could be useful would be visits to our car dealership. We’re taking the car for its annual MOT check tomorrow and I’m sure our interactions with the service dept could be conducted via a computer. For example, an AI system might even remember to tell us that it had moved to new premises several miles away, a feature of the service we only found out recently and accidentally.


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