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By Dr. Eric Edmond
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The Belted Earl of Dartmouth caught lying by BBC SW local TV

Monday, March 6, 2017 8:24
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(Before It's News)

On today's BBC SW News it was reported that William Legge aka the belted Earl of Dartmouth, UKIP MEP for the South West had told a porky about a wind farm built on land he had just transferred. It is UKIP policy to oppose on land wind farms. Farage described it as giving money to rich people.

There was an incident outside the studio as Legge was leaving and a BBC reporter tried to ask him about the wind farm land transfer. The belted Earl became very agitated and appeared to try and slam a glass door on the reporter. On the clip the BBC showed Legge clearly said he knew nowt about the wind farm land transfer.

Here is the link the fracas is at the start but the BBC will take it down in 6 hours so be quick

I have seen Legge behave like this before and lose his cool. Not good for a politician


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