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Your taxpayers' money, hard at work.

Thursday, March 30, 2017 6:25
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(Before It's News)

Spotted by Lola in The Telegraph:

Inflation is officially back, and by the end of this year is expected to hit 2.3pc, above the Bank of England’s 2pc target. In a world of rising prices, investors need exposure to assets that can keep pace.

Investing in infrastructure projects – such as motorways, schools or hospitals – that are inflation-linked is one way to protect the value of capital. These projects also produce a reliable income, with the trust currently yielding 5.1pc…

Andrew Charlesworth, manager of the £1.2bn John Laing Infrastructure trust, says that investors should not worry about buying at a premium, and explains how he made 36pc on a London hospital and his role in President Donald Trump’s plans.

The only way to make such super-profits is if the government overpaid in the first place; one man's super-profits is the flip side of shit value for the long suffering taxpayer.

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