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The Most Powerful Woman In The World

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:48
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(Before It's News)

Janet Yellen official portrait.jpg
Credit : Wikipedia
American Thinker
James Longstreet

Janet Yellen is now the most powerful women in the world without an army.

She heads the under defined “shadow” branch of the United States government.  Under her control is the cost of money and thus the valuation of assets.  From stocks and gold to real estate and currency, her control and power sets the mark. She possesses the ability to take from some at the expense of others, yet such robbery never seems to make the rap sheets.

Disguised as a free market “finger” on the tiller, her predecessor placed both hands on the wheel, white knuckled at the 10 and 2 positions, to save the system from the excesses of irresponsible over leveraging from her constituents. Too big to fail and too big to jail. 



Books have been written (The Creature From Jekyll Island) about this “shadow” branch detailing the history of bailouts and special treatments for some.  The regional boards are a collection of banking and brokerage insiders enjoying prompt awareness of any policy changes.  Loan guarantees issued by the United States, the IMF, or the World Bank are nothing more than defacto bailouts for US banks who find themselves with a precious body part in the wringer. (to wit, Ukraine’s $1 Billion dollar guarantee.)


In the 1970’s a revised mission statement was struck providing some vague guidances for the Federal Reserve. Strangely absent is language regarding the defense of the currency and promoting of savings.

Included is the following….

“..conducting the nation’s monetary policy by influencing the monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.”

Some questions arise.

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Total 1 comment
  • The Most Powerful Woman In The World

    The only thing that give this woman power is debt.
    Since I have none I am the most powerful person on this planet!

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