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Voltaic starts work with LiST on lithium extraction process

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 3:33
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Voltaic Minerals Corp. (CVE:VLT) has started work with Lithium Selective Technologies (LiST) on a potential new way to extract lithium from the brine at its Green County project in Utah.

Initial work will be on interim basis in order to obtain sufficient technical data for a definitive production and use agreement.

LiST has over 85 years of combined lithium processing experience and is currently using an artificial brine that is similar in nature to the Green Energy historic fluid analysis.

A Phase 1 process development report is scheduled for 90 days from the start of testing.

If the process passes all three phases of development the aim is for it be used a new way to extract lithium from super-saturated brine.

Tom Currin, Voltaic’s project manager said: “We are extremely pleased with the progress so far and expect results to be published at the end of Phase I.

“If successful, this process could create value from known resources in the US and globally. The company is incorporating selective techniques used commercially in mineral extraction and water treatment in a novel fashion to achieve a result not yet seen in the Lithium process sector.”

A Vancouver-based lithium explorer, Voltaic owns 100% of the Green Energy project that covers 4,160 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) claims and lies in Grand County, 15 km west of the city of Moab.

Story by ProactiveInvestors


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