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By Doodlers Anonymous
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Pages Filled with Intricate Patterns

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 14:43
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Someone who can master patience can master almost everything else. Check out these detailed hand-drawn patterns by Angela Chan. Browsing through her sketchbook is a truly hypnotic experience with it's bold, repetitious lines. Using only black ink gives these drawings heavy contrast in a way that is truly timeless. All of the patterns have that common theme of geometric shapes, yet they all have thier own unique feel because of her ability to experiment with the white space and the thickness of her strokes. I don't know about you, but my sketchbook looks like an absolute mess in comparison to this artistic display of patience and discipline!


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Total 1 comment
  • As an Artist, I wanted to view her sketches, but the link is bad. Could you provide a new link? Thank you:)

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