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By Doodlers Anonymous
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A Sea Of Doodled Faces

Thursday, March 9, 2017 12:44
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As I was raiding the sketchbooks of behance, this particular one instantly grabbed my attention. It belongs to Mete Kaplan Eker from Instanbul, Turkey who happens to be an illustrator/travel addict! His drawings are so simple in nature yet work wonderfully because of the exaggerated lines and strong features of each character. I particularly enjoy the doodles that are based upon a shape created by a blob of color. I think what makes each one so interesting is how the shape and size of each illustration varies so widely. Despite their physical differences, all of the characters are so pleasant and innocent-looking. These sketchbook doodles are just a fraction of the awesomeness created by Mete Kaplan Eker–Check out his instagram for a plethora of amazing work, you will not be disappointed! 


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