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Like Mother, Like Daughter? Chelsea Clinton Fans Speculation Of Run For Congress

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 15:41
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(Before It's News)

Thought you were done with the Clintons for a little while?  Think again.

Rumors are once again swirling in political circles that Chelsea Clinton has her eyes on a New York Congressional seat.  According to The Hill, Chelsea has been considered a potential candidate for Nita Lowey’s seat in the House when/if she retires and/or Kirsten Gillibrand’s Senate seat if she decides to run for President in 2020. 

Of course, Chelsea has fanned the speculative flames of late with her rather persistent twitter trolling of President Trump and members of Congress.  Here’s just a small sample:

Yet many, even within Hillary’s inner circle, caution that the time might not be right for another Clinton to enter the political scene.

Longtime aides, donors and supporters of the Clintons are still reeling from President Trump’s victory. With feelings still so raw, the timing might not be right for Chelsea Clinton to make the jump.

“Even if it’s a year or two or three from now, I still don’t think the timing would be right,” said one former aide who worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and has spoken to the Clintons since. “I know that’s not fair to her, but nothing feels right about it. It feels too forced.”

Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons said while the Clintons are “always thinking about campaigns and elections,” he said the Democratic Party needed to spend time looking for new leaders “and investing in them.”

“It’s time to look forward,” Simmons said.

Of course, with all the time spent analyzing Trump’s ‘tempermant’ during the 2016 election cycle, one has to wonder whether someone who allegedly pushed their own COO to the brink of suicide would be qualified for public office…we’re sure MSNBC can confirm.  Per our previous post:

After that, the situation escalated to the point that Band sent the following email two days later saying that Chelsea had pushed Clinton Foundation COO, Laura Graham, to the brink of suicide.  Within the email Band describes an encounter in which he received a “late night” call from Graham who was:

“…on staten island in her car parked a few feet from the waters edge with her foot on the gas pedal and the car in park.  She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with wjc and cvc as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn’t take it anymore.”



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