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Total: | / March 22, 2017
On the heels of Sears announcing the closure of another 150 stores, but this is what could really spell trouble…
From Art Cashin: On this day (+1) in 1775, at the second Virginia Convention, in the city of Richmond, a firebrand delegate rose and cut through the smoke of compromise. His speech was unique. As any public speaker will tell you, a good speech is one where the audience stays awake. A great speech is one that changes the mind of the audience. But best of all is a speech that outlives the event and maybe even outlives the speaker.
Well, this was some speech. The speaker’s name was Patrick Henry. And the awesome construction, pacing and ringing of his speech was so great that it ranks in the English language as one of the five best (Shakespeare’s “Marc Antony’s eulogy of Caesar”; the Gettysburg Address and, of course, some great Winston Churchill edging it out). But every schoolboy knows the climax of this great speech – – “….Our brethren are already in the field. Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear….or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death!”
To mark the date stop by the House of Burgess Tavern and order some “Liberty” Ale. But, if they don’t have Liberty on tap, try not to be too picky.
Wall Street stocks were anything but picky yesterday as political and lending issues combined to crush the 110 day streak of trading days without a one percent fall.
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