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The Rothschild Are The Controlling Party, Have They Orchestrated It All? – Episode 1228b

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 19:57
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(Before It's News)

X22Report, Published on Mar 14, 2017

Nancy Pelosi did not get the answer she wanted when she asked people to respond to Obamacare. Wikileaks confirms Trump might be forced out. Obama went to the British spy agency to spy on Trump. Germany ready to pass law to punish social media over hate speech.McCain and Graham want troops in Afghanistan. Russia sending troops to Libya to support Haftar. Russia says US manipulated UN document and made is seem Assad was responsible and the terrorist had a right to fight back. Moderate rebels back out of the peace deal. Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul team to stop the funding of terrorist. Rothschild are orchestrating the outcome of the world and they broadcast this using the economist magazine.

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