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Gerald Celente Just Released Third Major Trend Forecast For 2017!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 11:33
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(Before It's News) / April 05, 2017

On a day where stocks are rallying and gold is weaker, top trends forecaster Gerald Celente has just released a third major trend forecast for 2017!

Who Ever Said 2017 Would Be A Dull Year?
Gerald Celente:  “At the Trends Research Institute, we observe three worlds of influence that drive trends up or bring them down: The media world, the political world and the real world.

For the vast majority of society, beliefs are established and decisions are influenced by mass-media headline stories and social-media sound bites… both of which are steeped in overtones from the political world and passed off as news you can use.

Absent real-world facts and solid numbers – as the Donald Trump stock market rally, which has entered its fifth month, stalls – the 10 percent Standard & Poor’s bounce was pumped up by the business-media world of economic hype and the political world of hope and change you can believe in…


The post Gerald Celente Just Released Third Major Trend Forecast For 2017! appeared first on Silver For The People.


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