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By silveristhenew (Reporter)
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“Hot Money”: Hong Kong Businessman Pays $2.5 Million For 18-Year-Old Romanian Model’s Virginity

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 19:14
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There is so much excess liquidity in China that an 18-year-old Romanian model has agreed to sell her virginity to a “very friendly” – and generous – Hong Kong businessman for the “life-changing” sum of $2.45 million (€ 2.3 million).

In late 2016, Romanian Alexandra Kefren ignited a firestorm of outrage after it was reported that she had put her first sexual experience up for auction for a minimum of $1 million on Cinderella Escorts, a Germany-based agency which specializes in teens looking to sell their virginity online. According to the Shanghaiist, Kefren says she got the idea from watching Indecent Proposal when she was 15 years old.

After the news made headlines around the world, Kefren’s parents nearly disowned her. She later went on a British daytime television show to explain her decision. The teen said that she was selling her virginity so that she could pay for a good life for her parents, as well as a home and education for herself.

With the YouTube clip alone getting nearly 2 million views (unclear if it ran Coke ads), the surge in media attention caused the bids to skyrocket. Finally, an anonymous Hong Kong businessman offered $2.45 million for the privilege of lifting her, well, offer. It was an amount she could not say no to.

On Cinderella Escorts, Kefren explained her decision last month, asking “How many would possibly forgo their first time in retrospect if they could have 2.3 million euros instead?”

I am glad to have decided to sell my virginity throught Cinderella Escorts, I would never have dreamed that the bid would go so high and we would reach € 2.3 million. This is really a dream come true.

We had commandments from all over the world and there was a long process. I was criticized in the press.

It was felt as a taboo that I can do with my body what I want.

But I have kept to it that I wanted to sell my virginity with Cinderella Escorts rather than giving it to a future friend who might have left me anyway. And I think many other girls have the same attitude.

How many would possibly forgo their first time in retrospect if they could have 2.3 million euros instead? Everyone has to ask himself this question. Of course, there will be different opinions, but everyone should be able to represent and live their own.

Now everything has to be organized. The hotel is booked. Cinderella Escorts accompanies me to the meeting and stays nearby as security if problems arise. I have the possibility to terminate the meeting at any time, but I am quite confident. I could talk with the buyer before and we are very friendly.

But while Kefren may have hit the jackpot, if only once, the biggest recurring winner in the arrangement appears to be the agency, Cinderella Escorts, which will profit on this deal, taking a 20% commission from the transaction. Additionally, Kefren’s story appears to have inspired more girls to follow in her footsteps. The agency claims that they have received requests from 300 girls from around the country wanting to sell their virginity on the site as well.

As for Hong Kong and Chinese bidders, we are confident that they will soon figure out a novel way of converting this scheme into the latest and greatest way to funnel hot money out of China’s closed financial system and into more mature market. Curious where to “park” several million in “hot money”?  Then head on over to the money laundering, pardon, virginity auction website.


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