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Steve Bannon Removed From Trump’s National Security Council, Threatened To Quit

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 22:09
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(Before It's News) / by Tyler Durden / Apr 5, 2017 9:01 PM

Update: as we apended in an earlier post, asked if the NSC move was a demotion for Bannon, Pence said “not for Steve, not for Ton. These are very highly valued members of our administration. They’re going to continue to play important policy roles. But I think with H.R. McMaster’s addition as our National Security Advisor – a man of extraordinary background in the military – this is just a natural evolution to ensure the National Security Council is organized in a way that best serves the president in resolving and making those difficult decisions,” Pence said.

That, however, conflicts with what the NYT reported this evening, when the newspaper (as usual relying on “a White House official who, like others, insisted on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations”) said that “Bannon resisted the move, even threatening at one point to quit if it went forward… Bannon’s camp denied that he had threatened to resign and spent the day spreading the word that the shift was a natural evolution, not a signal of any diminution of his outsize influence.”


The post Steve Bannon Removed From Trump’s National Security Council, Threatened To Quit appeared first on Silver For The People.


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