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Spiritual Work in Modern Times

Thursday, September 22, 2016 16:51
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To Charge or Not to Charge…

OMTimes-Experts-Marc-LainhartMany professional spiritual workers and healers today charge for their services. Whether it is holistic healing, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic, acupuncture, psychic or mediumship readings, metaphysical workshops, shamanic retreats, reiki, yoga, bereavement counseling, etc., the debate and questions always come up:  “Should I pay for services?” “What do I charge people for offering my services professionally?” “Isn’t healing a gift; therefore, shouldn’t it be free?”

Those are but just a few of the many questions spiritual workers and healers deal with as professionals and our modern ties to paper, or what we call “money.” Many spiritual workers and healers are breaking free of modern attitudes, philosophies, and capitalism beliefs and are returning to “old ways” of doing spiritual work and healing; knowing, believing, feeling, visualizing, and manifesting that universe, spirit, and their own “soul tribe” and community will provide in these modern times and are finding ways to make a living as the only species on earth that “pays” to live here.

Analyzing Time and Money

Receiving money for services will continue to be a part of the fabric of life in our society, but separating out the capitalism, greed, and thoughts associated with the “all mighty dollar,” and educating your clients on the importance and value of your time to perform these services as a professional is essential. The most important commodity for anyone and everyone is time, not money. Money is what allows spiritual workers and healers to learn, mentor, and practice their skills. It pays bills, puts food on the table and lets workers be available to serve others in a professional manner. Gone are those days of offering your services to your tribe where the tribe would provide shelter, food, protection and survival through a natural exchange of community for “free.”

The modern world has evolved as we have all gone out as pioneers and prospectors with choice, free-will, and personal responsibility to make it on our own! As we move forward with this choice of being alone in this fast paced, chaotic, disconnected, and distracted society, the money, greed, and capitalism have followed, and many services that where once offered for free with the intent of helping others now has a price tag attached to it. This is the modern world and why spiritual workers and healers charge for their services, but society is changing, people are changing, the world is changing, and many people around the globe now seek truth, freedom, peace, simplicity, community, while working together for the greater good, taking care of others, our planet, and not so much emphasis on paper money.

The Important Role of Spiritual Work

This trending shift of higher consciousness and human spiritual evolution continues to take root and grow deeper by the day. As it grows stronger by the year, the important role of spiritual work will be needed. There will be plenty of work and paying customers to go around! Novice and journeyman spiritual workers soon discover an added dimension to this reality. It is not about the money, fame, book deals, or shows, as modern times and society would have us believe. Yet, spiritual work is so much more.

Things in the modern world all cost money, from gas, food, clothes, to even water! What are your talents, skills, and time worth in your intent to serve, help, assist, heal and inspire others? Are you honoring and respecting your gifts, talents, and investment to learn, so that you can serve others better?

So, with what you charge or don’t charge, are you respecting your chosen field and those who may seek you out? If you do this work for free, will others take advantage of you? Will you be okay with that? Knowing the history of performing spiritual work and healing as a professional will help you. It helps in these modern times to have a personal value system for when and when not to charge. Hence, it’s all about what’s right for you.

“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” –Theodore Roosevelt

About the Author

Marc Lainhart is an international and tested Spiritual Medium. Marc serves as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Certified Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, and Writer. He uses his gifts to guide, transform, and inspire others in connecting to self, spirit, and the world around us! For more “Spiritual prospecting,” please visit or Internet search ‘The Intuitive Prospector™’


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