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10 Reasons You Should Start Meditating in the Morning

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 22:01
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Many people assume that meditation is only for yoga enthusiasts or wellness gurus, but the truth is that just about everyone can enjoy the benefits of mediation on a daily basis. The trick is finding a form of meditation that works for you, and it could be as simple as sitting for about 15 minutes in your bedroom each morning, letting your thoughts float freely through your mind. Wondering how meditating in the morning can improve your overall wellbeing? Here are 10 reasons you can benefit from meditating at the start of your day.

Wake up

Start your day calmer.

Meditation is scientifically proven to help soothe nerves and make you calmer overall. Meditation alone can reduce the negative effects of tension, anxiety, depression, and fatigue significantly. In addition, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows your heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Overall, this means that even just 15 minutes of meditating in the morning can help you start your day on a calmer note.

Gain a broader perspective.

Meditation gives you the opportunity to detach from the worries of your own life and instead seek shelter in silence and stillness. During this moment of pause in your day, you can ponder things from an outside perspective and, in turn, experience a greater abundance of clarity and wisdom.

Adapt better to your day.

Meditation also gives you excellent practice at dropping into a “flow state,” where you can accept and adapt to whatever is thrown at you. This means that when you meditate, you will become better at responding to the day’s unexpected hiccups, such as heavy traffic or changed plans.

Boost your energy.

Most people associate meditation with increased relaxation, not realizing that mediation can also help you become more energized. When you disconnect from all the stimulation of life for a few minutes each day, you end up devoting less energy to superfluous activities like worrying—and more energy on the things you should actually be doing. Studies have also confirmed that people who meditate enjoy more sustained energy as a result.

Woman practicing Yoga

Increase your ability to multitask.

Meditation has been proven to improve a person’s ability to multitask, meaning you’ll likely perform better at work.

Improve sleep quality.

Regular meditation can even increase the quality of sleep you experience at night. Studies have found that practicing relaxation techniques during the day helps you fall asleep faster, stay asleep for longer.

Eat better.

Studies have shown that when people are stressed or sleep-deprived, they are more likely to eat unhealthy foods. Because mediation can reduce stress significantly, you are less likely to make bad dietary decisions throughout the day when you start your day off with meditation. So if you typically eat a doughnut or fried foods in the morning, meditating can help you change that habit. You could even end up losing weight in the long run!

Diminish unhealthy cravings.

Some forms of meditation can actually help you curb unhealthy cravings. According to this article, a kind of mindfulness meditation called “urge surfing” helps you to “ride out” your cravings by allowing yourself to fully experience them. Because cravings usually peak and diminish within the space of 30 minutes, spending 30 minutes engaged in urge surfing can help you avoid giving in to your cravings. This is an especially helpful technique for people who are recovering from substance addiction.

Yoga outdoor at sunset

Reduce headaches.

You may not be able to replace proper medical treatment with meditation, but meditation can be a powerful tool for reducing pain associated with headaches. So if you suffer from daily headaches, try adding meditation to your morning routine.

The world is still quiet.

Finally, if you have been looking for ways to introduce meditation into your lifestyle but haven’t been sure how, meditating in the morning is a great place to start. When you first wake up, your mind hasn’t quite jumped to what the rest of the world is doing yet. As long as you are awake at a time when family responsibilities do not start right away, the world can still be your own for a few minutes. That period of time that comes shortly after you wake up, then, is naturally the perfect time to try meditating.

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