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New report examines the Hand hold Pulse Global Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry Outlook to 2020

Sunday, November 20, 2016 22:04
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“Global Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry Outlook to 2020 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Planned Pipelines” is a comprehensive report on major, trunk oil and gas planned pipelines industry in the world. The report provides planned pipeline details such as pipeline/pipeline system name, operator name, start year, start point, end point, length, capacity and diameter for all major, trunk crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas pipelines across the world by country and by region. The report also provides capital expenditure outlook at global as well as regional level by year and by key countries for planned oil and gas pipelines till 2020. The report also provides key country comparisons within a region and regional comparisons, based on contribution to total pipeline length (regional/global). Planned or proposed (new build) pipeline projects, as announced by various companies, have also been included in this report. Further the report also offers recent developments as well as latest tenders and contracts at regional level.


- Updated information on all planned crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas pipelines in the world
- Provides key details such as operator name, start year, start point, end point, location, length, diameter and capacity for all planned crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas pipelines to 2020
- Provides capital expenditure outlook at global as well as regional level by year and by key countries for planned oil and gas pipelines till 2020
- Latest developments and contracts related to oil and gas pipeline industry at the regional level

Reasons to buy

- Obtain the most up to date information available on all key planned transmission pipelines across the world
- Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry
- Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong pipeline data
- Assess your competitor’s pipeline network and its capacity
- Develop strategies based on the latest developments in the industry
- Information on latest tenders and contracts in the industry

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Table of Contents

1.1 List of Tables 8
1.2 List of Figures 21
2 Introduction 23
2.1 What Is This Report About? 23
2.2 Market Definition 23
3 Global Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 25
3.1 Global Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot 25
3.2 Global Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Oil and Gas Pipelines 31
4 Africa Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 36
5 Asia Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 81
6 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 150
6.1 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot 150
6.2 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Pipeline Lengths 152
6.3 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Pipelines 155
6.4 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Trinidad and Tobago 156
6.5 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Martinique 157
6.6 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Barbados 157
6.7 Caribbean Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Developments 158
7 Europe Planned Oil and Gas Planned Pipeline Industry 159
8 Middle East Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 232
9 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 279
9.1 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot 279
9.2 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Pipeline Lengths 285
9.3 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Pipelines 314
9.4 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, United States 317
9.5 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Canada 333
9.6 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Mexico 339
9.7 North America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 341
10 Oceania Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 362
10.1 Oceania Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot 362
10.2 Oceania Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Pipeline Lengths 364
10.3 Oceania Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Australia 368
10.4 Oceania Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Papua New Guinea 370
10.5 Oceania Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Developments, Tenders and Contracts 370
11 South America Planned Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry 388
12 Appendix 413
12.1 Abbreviations 413
12.2 Methodology 413
12.3 Disclaimer 414


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