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Cocktails of Chemicals and Drugs in Our Water Supply Remain Unfiltered

Saturday, March 4, 2017 15:48
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(Before It's News)

March 5th, 2017

By Marco Torres

Guest writer for Wake Up World

So-called safe drinking water supplies coming out of our household taps are now proven to contain industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals linked to toxicity, developmental problems, tumour growth and hormonal disruptions. One glass of tap water now contains hundreds of contaminants that are not filtered through federally approved guidelines which monitor safety standards servicing millions of people.

Cocktails of Dozens of Drugs In Our Water Supply Remain Unfiltered

Excreted and flushed through our sewage works and waterways, drug molecules are all around us. A recent analysis of freshwater streams in the United States detected an entire pharmacy of drugs: diabetic meds, muscle relaxants, opioids, antibiotics, antidepressants and more. Drugs have even been found in crops irrigated by treated waste water.

The chemical contaminants that infest city water supplies in industrialized nations are abundant, including fluoride (the only drug intentionally added to your drinking water), as well as chlorine, lead, mercury, arsenic and dozens of pharmaceuticals. Mitigating the problem of pharmaceuticals in drinking water has been an ongoing health issue for decades. The amounts that end up in your glass are minuscule, however, someone prescribed multiple drugs is more likely to experience side effects, and risks rise exponentially with each drug taken by a person over 65.


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