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Control Atopic Dermatitis Or Childhood Eczema In Children With Ezzera

Friday, March 24, 2017 8:43
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Malaysia (March 24, 2017): Ezerra, a children’s skin care brand, offers a whole range of baby skin care products to effectively manage eczema in children. Reports show that out of every 10 children at least two are affected by Atopic Dermatitis or childhood eczema. Eczema is a condition characterised by dry, sensitive, itchy and inflamed skin. The product launched by Ezerra offers a non steroidal skin care remedy which can be applied to babies as young as two weeks old. According to the products are safe and without any side effects. They have been created to help manage all eczema symptoms like swelling, blisters, rough, dry and itchy skin. The ointments and creams provided by Ezzera are safe, tested and ensure the best skin care for babies by retaining and regulating moisture and improving skin barrier function. The manufacturers recommend following three easy processes of cleansing, protecting and maintaining tender skin properly to avoid such conditions.

Eczema can also affect women during pregnancy due to hormonal activity. Extra gentle cleanser from can help manage pregnancy eczema. The most common variety of eczema during pregnancy is atopic eczema. The symptoms may vary from severe to normal. In severe cases it is advised to consult a doctor in

To know more about Ezzera and their eczema cream log on to

About Ezzera
Ezerra is a children’s skin care brand that offers a whole range of baby skin care products meant to control eczema. As the premier skin care specialist in Malaysia, Ezzera has developed a successful 3- step Solution of Cleanse-Protect-Maintain to provide a complete method for the effective management of childhood eczema.

Media Contact:
Desmond A. Buteau
[email protected]
Mchenry, IL


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