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By Zero Carb Chronicles (Reporter)
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Denis's total fast day #3

Thursday, March 9, 2017 10:12
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Zero Carb Chronicles Retrieved from: Hi all!!!

I will be honest and admit the evening of day# 3 was a nightmare.

I had some light lower back pain during the day and decided to have a Tylenol. The pain was gone after one hour and the day was going fairly good.

Then, “bang”, in the middle of the evening, I felt tense and it seemed only food could calm me down.

I was not really hungry; I just wanted to eat to calm down this tension I was feeling.

I went for a walk; no result. I had a hot shower; no result.

Then I remembered reading that having some salty broth could help. But I decided to have only warm salted water. Result? It calmed me down.

Maybe my body was asking for some minerals???

Anyway, here I am beginning Day # 4 of this journey…. sort of scared of what my evening will bring…

Weight in now down for a total of 6.6 lbs, another extra 1.6 lbs less then yesterday.

Many thanks for the comments!!!

Denis Zero Carb Chronicles Retrieved from:


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