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Microwave Ablation Systems Market Analysis, Growth, Shares, Size, Trends, Types and Applications with Forecast to 2021

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 0:59
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Microwave ablation systems market the key players are AngioDynamics, Medtronic, Perseon, Medwaves, and NeuWave Medical. Other Prominent Vendors in the market are: Emblation Microwave, Miramar Labs, Symple Surgical, and Urologix.

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The following companies are the key players in the global anti money laundering software market: ACI Worldwide, EastNets, FICO TONBELLER, Fiserv, NICE Actimize, RELX, FIS, BAE Systems, Experian, Oracle, SAS, Thomson Reuters, aml360, AML Partners, AML RightSource, Safe Banking Systems, Truth Technologies, and Verafin.

Other Prominent Vendors in the market are: Aquilan Technologies, Banker’s Toolbox, CaseWare Analytics, Fenergo, Infrasoft Technologies, Innovative Systems, Jack Henry & Associates, MetricStream, Ocean Systems, Regulatory DataCorp, Temenos, Wolters Kluwer, 3i Infotech, IBM, KPMG, TATA Consultancy Services, Ascent Technology Consulting, Aquilan Technologies, Banker’s Toolbox, targens, CGI, and MemberCheck.

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Microwave ablation is an emerging technique in the overall tissue ablation market. The technique provides quicker ablation of large and small tumors and is used for the treatment of inoperable tumors (tumors that cannot be treated surgically). Several antennae that are used to perform microwave ablation are small, and designed with precise targeting power to prevent healthy tissues from damage. Microwave ablation is widely used in treating liver, kidney, lung, and breast cancers.

This report, Global Microwave Ablation Systems Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

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Key vendors





NeuWave Medical

Other prominent vendors

Emblation Microwave

Miramar Labs

Symple Surgical




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